A haunting story of love and war. Hannah Hywel is seven years old when she realises she has the special gift of second sight, passed down through her family for generations. As she grows older Hannah must come to terms with the sorrowful legacy of...
A saga telling the story of Hannah Hywel's struggle with her gift of second sight and her quest to rebuild her family after the ravages of war and tragedy has torn apart. As she struggles to bring up her illegitimate child, she is concerned to see si...
"It was the kind of morning in Monterey, California, where the sea stretches out to meet the sky in a serene and endless grasp . . ." When two California archaeologists discover Maya hieroglyphics during a routine expedition in the Central Valley hi...
Pieces of jade kept finding Amy Parrish. In the mail. Passed by strangers. Rare, polished jade from Guatemala that were left in secret but intended to unlock one.
The California archaeologist soon discovered that together they were the key to deci...
In this thrilling final chapter to the Maya Earth Trilogy, the Maya build their new age, but a terrible accident happens and global greed for power in a world of change threatens to tear the throne from the Mayan people. Marxan faces the ultimate sac...