"This is book one in a futuristic Christian-fiction novel series set into Biblical endtimes when the Antichrist is rising to power and Christians have come under persecution for their beliefs. A Christian woman waking from amnesia seeks to solve a co...
"This is book two in the Resurrection Dawn series set into Biblical endtimes when the Antichrist is rising to power and Christians have come under persecution for their beliefs. Victoria Martin Tempest continues to solve her husband's murder by going...
"This is book three in the Resurrection Dawn series set in Biblical endtimes when the Antichrist is rising to power and Christians have come under persecution for their beliefs. Victoria Martin Tempest goes to Rome and meets the alleged Antichrist."...
"This is book four in the Resurrection Dawn series set in Biblical endtimes when the Antichrist is rising to power and Christians have come under persecution for their beliefs. Victoria Martin Tempest learns more about the night her husband dies as s...
The Anointing is book 5 in a 7-book series entitled: Resurrection Dawn 2014. It is a Christian-fiction futuristic crime story featuring a female Christian heroine, set into Biblical "endtimes," rising world government with international politician so...
Countdown to Justice is book 6 in a 7-book series: Resurrection Dawn 2014. It is a Christian-fiction futuristic crime story featuring a female Christian heroine, set into biblical endtimes, rising world government, with international politician some ...
Book 8: Unlikely Suspect, in the Resurrection Dawn 2013 Series, features Victoria Tempest Ralston and her husband Texas as he becomes entangled in a murder mystery in Fernwood, Tennessee. Apparently, Dick Branson's death was not a suicide. Detective ...
Lethal Snapshot continues the Christian fiction mystery featuring Victoria Tempest as she faces challenges living as a Christian in a more pagan society. In this mystery, she is solving yet another crime in Fernwood....
April Fool's Day continues the Christian-fiction mystery featuring Victoria Tempest Ralston as she faces challenges while living in a more pagan society. In this sequel she investigates an international commitee seeking to birth a global government. ...
This is a futuristic series when world government is forming and Christianity is underseige.This is the final book in the continuing saga of Victoria Tempest Ralston as the world government has formed and the "Mark" has been instituted to monitor all...
Trouble is a double-edged sword for Jolene Salisbury who is on a mission to resolve past mistakes in dealing with her parents as an only child. Leaving her husband to return to her childhood home, she encounters a young troubled mother with five chil...
This is the first book in a series of ten that will depict the lives of people living during a time of tribulation following Jesus Christ's "Rapture" of His bride, the church. The plot continues the storyline following Book 12, Reign of Errors, in...
Dorothy Powell finds herself in a pickle when she becomes the prime suspect in the death of her husband Arthur. Together for fifty-six years in the same house, she is alone now and must reinvent her future. Dorothy's neighbor and good friend, Lor...
While Detective Drew Taylor serves time in a Tennessee prison for rape, wife Mary moves to Jerusalem with her adopted son, David. Her biological son, Pope Andre Bacon, lives at the Vatican with his father Lazarus. Mary reinvents a new life with Rabbi...
There's been a murder in Dickson, Tennessee. Dorothy Powell is surprised when Detective Lloyd Butch Peters invites her to spy on a ninety-two-year-old British woman that has just moved into the deceased Clyde Willems' cabin located a few miles behind...
Dorothy Powell cannot stay out of trouble, but gratefully daughter Claire and best-friend Lorene Perkins are always there to support her. The lingo of the younger generation stumps Dorothy. Great-granddaughter June thinks GG is interesting but a litt...
Crystal Creek Mysteries continues with Book 5: Deader n' a Doornail. Is protagonist Dorothy Powell really dead? She left Columbia, Tennessee six months ago and only her daughter Claire and best friend, Lorene Perkins, has heard from her occasionally....
The seven-years of biblical tribulation on earth plays out as God judges earth and humankind for failing to recognize His Son Jesus. The Committee of Ten, overseeing the international banking system, is in trouble now that Christians have established...