Number one in Saloman Sawdust's Snappy Stories is Piddypat Puffenadder's Predicament. This engaging and beautifully illustrated sticker story shares how a simple bubblegum bubble-blowing contest becomes an unforeseen predicament for a young puffer...
Possum Squat is a series of children's books set in the Deep South and comprised of whimsical, colorful, and lovable animal characters. A Tall Southern Tale is the first in the Possum Squat series. Instantly parents and young readers will fall in ...
Razzmatazz Rasmussen builds a rocket to shoot to the sky. Much to his surprise and joy, his rocket goes on a mission of its own. Little did Razzmatazz know that the fuel he put in his rocket was his love....
Every child has one fear or another when it comes to going to the doctor. This wonderful rhyming sticker book tells the story of twins who discover doctors and nurses are nice people, and visiting them doesn’t have to hurt....
Zola really, really, really wants her very own zebra. In this heart-warming rhyming sticker story, she learns that even though we often get what we ask for, what we get may not quite be what we expected. A zebra of a different color is still a zebra ...
Company Comes A-Callin is the third installment in the Possum Squat series. It's the story of a traveling revival that comes to Possum Squat one summer's day. Everybody's kin comes from miles around to witness the show. Mertyle's cousin Mildred an...
Saloman Sawdust has brought young readers another fun-loving sticker book. Mrs. Mumford's Missing is the story of first grader’s anxiety when they discover their teacher is not in her usual place -- her classroom. A search is launched high and l...
Read the Greek classics as never presented before! The tales and myths of the Greek gods are told by Maurice the Magnificent, a Fairy Dragon born long before Mount Olympus came to be! Maurice was an intimate friend of the gods, including Zeus and Aph...
Paddlefoot Pumpernickel has a pumpkin patch. When it comes time to enter his town’s annual pumpkin contest, Paddlefoot finds himself in a pickle. His friends say, "It’s too small! It’s too puny! It’s too ordinary! It’s too …" But is it?...
Everybody has a flavor that’s a favorite! What if you could make everything out of your favorite flavor? Would you do it? Candy Cane did! Now every day she dances "The Peppermint Twist" -- and she couldn't be happier!...
Wilbur Watkin is an eccentric wharf mouse who loves unique and unusual clutter. His warehouse is crammed full of gadgets and gizmos. In this engaging rhyming sticker story, kids learn that imagination can be touched and experienced, and life needs mo...
In this Possum Squat tale, everybody is in a dither because Big Paw is coming to visit his sister Myrtle! Possum Squat doesn't get much excitement, so when word arrives that a famous organ player from the South is on his way, the whole town takes par...
Little Aiden Snookums -- who is lovingly nicknamed Gotuhbed -- is a good boy, and he usually does the right thing. But gosh and darn it all! Sometimes the idea of fun just simply outweighs the thought of work. So it was this cold winter’s morning f...
Flapjack Floyd’s life was without purpose or meaning until the day he found a flooglebinder. From that day on, everything was different. Flapjack and those he met experienced happiness and enthusiasm and a zest for life that they had never known be...