In this dark and edgy first-contact story, a team of anthropologists discovers a species of truly bizarre intelligent lifeforms called the Kal. The team consists of the leader, an experienced, highly respected female Professor of Xenoanthropology and...
In the 30th century an off-world expedition returns to Earth with a specimen of giant termite whose behavior suggests intelligence. Kaitrin Oliva, a strong-willed and ambitious young linguistic anthropologist, is charged with finding a way to access ...
In The Termite Queen: Volume One: The Speaking of the Dead, the death of a specimen of intelligent giant termite impels a team of scientists to mount a new expedition to the alien planet where the specimen was captured. During the voyage out, the lin...
In the 30th century, Earthers make first contact with an intelligent lifeform called the Shshi, which evolved from termites. Following that contact, the Champion of the Shshi, the Warrior Ki'shto'ba Huge-Head, and the bard of the fortress of Lo'ro'ra...
In this fantasy novelette we read about the slate-blue world of Ziraf. In addition to humans, Ziraf’s Dreamers created spirit beings called the Troil, who communicate with and sometimes counsel their mortal companions. The Troi Wagmi suggests t...
If you enjoy tales of high adventure and battles with strange monsters (with a theme of sibling rivalry running through the mix), you will love The Storm-Wing! At the end of v.1 (The War of the Stolen Mother), the Champion of the Shshi (termite peopl...
Ki'shto'ba and its Companions are summoned back to Marcher lands where the High Commander Zhu'zi'a'ro'a and its Warriors have been engaged in a war with the Southern Nasutes over possession of the land to the south of Pol'ki'shtot (the Valley of Thor...
As Ki’shto’ba Huge-Head and its Companions venture into the lands of the People of the Root, they encounter the Ninth Companion, an eccentric Alate named Bu’gan’zei who practices a strangely hypnotic type of word craft that is totally unknown...
The Companions arrive at the Hidden Fortress and meet Vai’zei’a’parn, the Leader of the Yo’sho’zei, who was Is’a’pai’a’s mentor. Is’a’pai’a finally learns the story of its origin " how its egg was laid in Hwai’ran’chet a...
In this final volume of The Labors of Ki’shto’ba Huge-Head, the Quest ship makes its way westward, passing the Point of the Monster and heading into uncharted seas. They visit the fortress of Thai’no’no’gwai, where to their astonishment the...
All human beings must live with demons, but those demons are unusually powerful when they are summoned by the sort of catastrophe that happened aboard the Darter in 2761. No member of the crew completely escaped being affected, including the Engineer...
While many of the participants in the Quest for the Golden Fungus have been lost, the Quest continues under the leadership of Is’a’pai’a Gold-Seeker. Di’fa’kro’mi’s Scribe Chi’mo’a’tu, with the help of wandering Remembrancers and ...
Cut off from the rest of the world, the Land between the Mountains and the Sea had belonged to the Golden Eyed Siritoch since time before memory. Now these peaceful, pastoral people, who worship the life force under the guise of Music and who have no...
Robbin Haysus Nikalishin was born on 31 October of the year 2729 and ultimately became the first starship Captain to make contact with extraterrestrials. This fictionalized biography, composed 50 years after Nikalishin’s death, recounts the first 3...
In this second part of the biography of Capt. Robbin Nikalishin, three threads remaining from “Eagle Ascendant” are followed to their conclusion. First, the question of cause and responsibility for the space disaster that formed the climax of Par...
Wounded physically and mentally by the disaster aboard the Darter, Capt. Nikalishin struggles in Part Two of this biography to overcome the aftereffects and find fulfillment in a life where his dream of flying to the stars has been lost. With the hel...
Capt. Nikalishin has recovered from the Darter Disaster, received command of his own Mars ship, and married the woman of his dreams, yet his struggles with loneliness, misunderstandings, and dissatisfaction continue in spite of his many friends’ ef...
A rehabilitated Robbin Nikalishin is back in the Captain’s chair as the Phenix Project for Interstellar Flight gets underway. After finishing off the loose ends remaining from his unorthodox penalty, the Captain returns to Herinen Space Port, wher...
The Phenix Project for Interstellar Flight has launched its first mission – a flight to the star system called Epsilon Eridani, 10.5 light years away. Capt. Robbin Nikalishin is finally achieving his dream, although the recent breakup with his ...
First contact has taken place and the occupants of the alien ship are giant Birds. While nothing could make Capt. Robbin Nikalishin happier, the Ariana remains marooned on a moon in the Epsilon Eridani system and is running out of oxygen. The crew wo...