New in Paperback This 1979 classic tells the darkly humorous story of I.C. Trumpelman, a man whose fancy determines the fate of others. Chosen as the head of a Judenrat, Trumpelman thrives on the power granted him and creates an authoritarian regim...
After ten years in prison for shooting - and permanently crippling - a young policeman, Victor Jenner is released to a strange new world and told to make a new life for himself. It's hard to fill in the days, but at least there's one blessing - he wa...
In the fall of 1846, young medical student Adolph Pinto witnesses a demonstration of anesthesia and sets off on a lifelong quest to bring "life without pain" to the masses. A darkly comic and sweeping novel in which Pinto endures every t...
The definitive novel of Hollywood in its most glamorous era, Pandaemonium is an epic that examines the roots of film and its relation to the dark forces of the imagination. Narrated by the ever-wise Peter Lorre, the book assembles a huge cast of Holl...
"At once a travel tale, a historical meditation, a Holocaust revenge fantasy, and a bedroom farce." -- D. T. Max, New York Times Book Review Leib Goldkorn, aged musician, first appeared almost a quarter-century ago in The Steinway Quintet. Now Leib h...
"One of the four best Hollywood novels ever written." -- Elizabeth Frank, New York Times Book Review "Epstein is a master storyteller at the height of his powers." -- Jonathan Kirsch, Los Angeles Times Book Review "Mr. Epstein effortlessly captu...
The film Casablanca opens with the words, “With the coming of the Second World War, many eyes in imprisoned Europe turned hopefully, or desperately, toward the freedom of the Americas.” Leslie Epstein’s Hill of Beans is the story of how one nat...
An expertly balanced mixture of hilarity and pain …. Like a German-accented Salman Rushdie, Epstein is at play among several vernaculars, gleefully scrambling cliches and strewing glittering bits of wry humor with abandon … [Goldkorn] is ...