Glynis Hampton, a newly-divorced friend of Laura Darvey's, has returned to her family's dairy farm in Dalebridge, a village north of Woodhill. As Woodhill Fire Department Captain Freddy Pratter is called upon to help in investigating several suspici...
The town of Woodhill is faced with the possible closing of Liberty Sand & Gravel, the local quarry that in better times employed almost a hundred men. Mining expert, Aaron Chandler, is hired to evaluate the quarry's future, and becomes a friend ...
Over the space of several weeks in the summer of 1935, 13 starving horses and ponies, along with one very fat pony and a goat, are left in Woodhill, Ohio. The unknown person behind the arrival of the horses earns the nickname, The Horse Fairy, but Th...
Linda Marie Newman and Jenny Donnelly have been rescuing girls and young women from sex traffickers in 1930s New York City. Wealthy politically and socially prominent Alderman Jayden Wallace has been enjoying the income from trafficking until his ope...