At the end of World War II, twenty-year-old Vera is brutally raped by an unknown assailant. From that rape is born a boy named Fred, a misfit who later becomes a talented boxer. Vera’s young son, Barnum, forms a special but bizarre relationship wit...
A jewel of modern Norwegian literature now hailed as Lars Saabye Christensen's crowning achievement - an intricate and utterly compelling narrative."With its tonal nuance and quietly amusing melancholy, Echoes of the City confirms him as one of Norwa...
Set in post-war Oslo and following on from Echoes of a City, by an author who understands the city like no other."One of Norway's finest writers" GUARDIAN"Profoundly resonant" TLS In Kirkeveien, Oslo, in the year 1956, forty-year-old Maj is worn down...