An ordinary boy with extraordinary talents...
Up until yesterday, this teenager’s biggest secret was that he was on the run and living under a false identity. Now he hides the Power of the Gods.
What will they do to him if they disco...
Ki’ara was born to be a leader. As the teenage Princess of Avalon, it was what was expected of her â€" to one day assume the throne and carry on her father’s legacy.But a violent attack on her kingdom changes everything, leaving the girl fight...
From princess to fugitive.
Ki’ara is a Descendant of the Originals, with the Blood of the Old Gods flowing through her veins. She can do things that others cannot. But it has come at a price.
Her father and his kingdom were both take...
An army of demons does The Keeper’s bidding, emerging from the fog and the shadows of night, taking lives and capturing souls. Every kill adds to their ranks, including the father of the only girl to ever have evaded their attempts.
With t...
What the crap?
Had Lexi Robinson known she’d be dumped into a mysterious jungle -- surrounded by smelly aliens, thieving monkeys, messed-up vampire-pirate-zombie monsters, and a hungry dragon with a bad attitude and even worse breath -- sh...