In this tale of bravery and magic based on a Blackfeet Indian legend, a young boy whose tribe is on the brink of starvation, begins a solitary journey in search of the Great Chief. When he finds him, the Great Chief gives him the gift of the very fir...
While trying to find his brothers, Ermine encounters an Eagle-man and his ancient mother who help him teach the people living on the coast of the Pacific Northwest how to overcome their isolation and experience the joy of life....
In a traditional tale about the seasons and the importance of their cooperation in relation to the planet, winter refuses to submit to spring one year, and the stars are left to make the final decision on the matter....
After welcoming him into their home for a meal, the grateful stranger Muteye welcomes Chirobo on his hunt where he discovers that Chirobo has wondrous hidden talents and ability to see beyond sight, but when Muteye tries to test Chirobo, he is given ...