On Midsummer''s Eve, 1974, Annie Raft arrives with her daughter Mia in the remote Swedish village of Blackwater to join her lover Dan on a nearby commune. On her journey through the deep forest, she sumbles upon the site of a grisly double murder...
The first of a tetralogy by the well-known Swedish author of Blackwater. Set in a Swedish village about to enter the modern age, the story begins in the 1870s, as an excited and suspicious citizenry await the first train to arrive at their newly cons...
From the author of Blackwater comes this atmospheric and chilling tale of small-town secrets and jealousy set in the icy northern landscape of Lapland. When an artist named Matti is killed at a mah jongg party, Police Constable Torsson skis to th...
This novel begins in the Middle Ages when Skord, a magical being who is neither man nor animal, finds himself in a forest with no memory, no past and no language. As he observes the behaviour of the human beings he meets in the forest, he begins to...
An essential component of what begins to look like an extended work of major importance."-Kirkus Reviews. Moving on from the early twentieth century until the inter-war years, The Spring follows the development of the characters and the community fam...
The Angel House is the third novel in the celebrated Swedish novelist Kerstin Ekman's popular quartet of novels she wrote between 1974 and 1983. The women are now free from the hard physical tasks of the earlier novels, but no less trapped in the gri...
Chronicles women's lives over the past 100 years as passed in and around Ekman's own native town of Katrineholm. Anne-Marie is a middle-aged woman returning from Portugal to the Swedish town where she grew up in order to sell the old house she inheri...
When Hillevi, a young, inexperienced midwife, moves from the university town of Uppsala to the wilderness of Svartvattnet (Blackwater) to be with her unofficial fiancé, she is ill prepared for what awaits her. In this frigid, austere, and isolated t...
Kerstin Ekman is primarily known as a novelist, but she has occasionally turned to free verse, especially when the subject is autobiographical. In 1993-1994, Swedish TV 1 conducted a series of talks with prominent writers under the rubric `Seven Boys...