Inspired by a true event, a harrowing chronicle of a kidnapping gone terribly wrong follows a husband and wife, obsessed with material success and achievement of a distorted American Dream, from five different viewpoints over three grim days. A first...
When a series of visions and spontaneous healings begins occurring in Hudson City, a dying industrial city in upstate New York, John Quinn investigates claims that a beautiful Vietnamese-American hearing-impaired girl is performing miracles. Reprint....
East Coast transplants to small-town Oregon, Naomi and Scanlon Pratt are at the threshold of a new life. Scanlon has a position at the local university -- teaching mass movements and domestic radicalism -- and Naomi, a fragrance designer whose sense ...
From the author of THE OREGON EXPERIMENT, the story of a father's return to his childhood home, the site of unspeakable tragedy, and of the complex and often warring obligations--not least forgiveness--we have to our family, our friends, and our past...