In a year of war, sixteen-year-old Charlotte sets off on a mission of love in the backwoods of Louisiana, only to be violated by three soldiers in a lonely section of the forest. Charlotte's young life is destroyed, but another life is growing ins...
After saving Alice's mother from drowning, a mysterious man named Simon is quickly ensconced in the family as the husband of the rescued woman, but Alice becomes suspicious of his motives, in a suspenseful coming-of-age novel by the author of
Now, in a tale ripe with haunting atmosphere and seductive tension, Kathy Hepinstall's extraordinary talent is reaffirmed... After a tragedy at her son's school results in the death of a child, Martha Warden--a young Ohio mother--isn4 taking any, ...
Amid the mayhem of the Civil War, Virginia plantation wife Iris Dunleavy is put on trial and convicted of madness. It is the only reasonable explanation the court can see for her willful behavior, so she is sent away to Sanibel Asylum to be restored ...
A best-selling novelist enlists her own sister to bring us the story of two Southern sisters, disguised as men, who join the Confederate Army -- one seeking vengeance on the battlefield, the other finding love. In a war pitting brother against br...
Willow Havens is ten years old and obsessed with the fear that her mother will die. Her mother, Polly, is a cantankerous, take-no-prisoners Southern woman who lives to chase varmints, drink margaritas, and antagonize the neighbors -- and she sticks o...