Nicole de Clervaux, beautiful...young...innocent. Destiny would tear her from the ardent embrace of her lover and send her from the glittering court of Versailles into the dark shadow of the guillotine. Roger Duchamp, ambitious, self-made man of t...
Jessie is a young girl who enjoys the traditional Southern life of a small town where faith, personal freedoms, and independence are a way of life. When she reaches the ripe old age of seventeen, the United States of America is torn and its citizens ...
Get Your Armor On is very personal to me as it was born out of a desire to help my children learn to cope with the drugs, the language and inappropriate behaviors they witnessed on a daily basis in school and in the world. My prayer for this book is ...
Christmas day is coming soon and a young boy named Ben is faced with a problem. The one dream that Ben had never expected to come true did. Ben wakes up to find that his two front teeth are loose. He wanted to make sure that his teeth were protected,...