A series of magical images unfolds to reveal an entire world. Nothing is what it seems yet everything makes perfect sense. This book could only have originated in a culture rich in magical realism and visual vocabulary. With color illustrations throu...
The song of the rooster draws forth the universe and gives way to the dance of beings and objects as day draws its first brilliant breath. This book is so supremely simple that a baby can delight in it, and yet so complex that an adult reader can fin...
This sweetly whimsical book describes a little boy who falls from his bicycle and crashes into the sky. The sky shatters, but the little boy puts some of the broken pieces into his pocket and, in the end, saves the day. The combination of Jorge Lujá...
In this brilliant retelling of Wagner's Ring Cycle, noted poet Jorge Luján reveals the true hero of these ancient and powerful myths -- Brunhilda, who through her love, passion, and unwavering loyalty redeems Siegfried. The gods and her whole worl...
When Stephen spots a beetle he takes off his shoe and raises his arm, ready to strike… but then he has second thoughts. He lays his head down on the ground and the beetle walks right up to him. At the last moment the beetle turns aside and each can...
This is a book about animal mommies and babies that is funny, lively, poetic, and deeply intriguing. The art was made using frottage, hand drawing, and computer techniques. The textures produced are deep and immersive yet immediate, drawing the r...
The song of the rooster draws forth the universe and gives way to the dance of beings and objects as day draws its first brilliant breath. Written in Spanish and English, this book is so supremely simple that a baby can delight in it, and yet so comp...