From the streets of New York to the gardens of Paris and the ornate drawing rooms of Renaissance Florence, Seizing Amber follows a high stakes quest for one of the world's most valuable treasures. The Amber Room-an exquisite chamber made of amber pan...
The Poet Tree is comprised of two companion stories. They chronicle the aimless sex-related escapades and the corrupt flamboyant dealings of various characters who inhabit suburbia. The first story is about a seven-year-old poet savant who searches f...
By 1400, the once-mighty Byzantine Empire stood on the verge of destruction. Most of its territories had been lost to the Ottoman Turks, and Constantinople was under close blockade. Against all odds, Byzantium lingered on for another fifty years unti...
A distant noise sounded far behind Jason; with every breath, the sound seemed to get louder as if it was only the sound of his heart. But Jason was sure it wasnt, he could feel it, that same feeling of being a caged animal in the dark, knowing there ...
Gwennie Hitchcock goes on a vacation to the island of Unskey with her family, but gets separated from them on a misty moor. Along with her annoying brother, Gwennie must brave the moor and find her way to safety, aided by a local boy named Tyler who ...
Join Ralph Cribbens as he goes on an exciting and terrifying journey to uncover the truth about his new zombie brother. When his parents adopt a zombie, Ralph is determined to find out if the rumors about his brother eating the local pets are true. B...