More Star Wars action for young readers! These DK Readers are great for those reluctant readers as well as devoted Star Wars fans. Don't Wake the Zillo Beast introduces the very youngest readers to the fearsome Zillo Beast of the planet Malastare, an...
Young readers are invited to step into the exciting world of Star Wars: The Clone Wars with leveled readers and titles that contain dynamic interactive text and an engaging new design that entertains kids while building reading skills and reinforcing...
From the author of "Why Church Sucks - And No One Really Wants to Go" comes a fresh and hilarious commentary on life, love, short-term memory loss, junior high embarrassment, hair-raising airline travel, and the all-time favorite. substitute tea...
When math is used in an everyday scenario, it often involves calculations. Calculations are needed to build, budget, and even cook! Throughout this volume, readers learn about the different ways number combinations can be used for calculations, as we...