A diverse selection of remarkable talent, from Anne Rice and Elizabeth Peters to Bram Stoker and Agatha Christie, appears in a collection of stories about the Mummy--its curse, reanimation, revenge, and the other cast of characters associated with an...
From Poe to Lovecraft-a unique zombiethology of the literary undead. Corpses rise in a variety of frightening ways in this collection of classic stories by an impressive lineup of authors including: Mary Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, Washington Ir...
President Abraham Lincoln said he wouldn't have been able to survive the Civil War without his jokes and amusing stories. That war was by far the greatest struggle the United States has ever faced. More Americans died in the Civil War than in all of ...
A town that had a man for breakfast every morning.That's how Tombstone, Arizona was described in the late-1800s, bolstering the myth that a corpse would be found cooling in the town's dusty streets each sunrise. The reality was quite different and mu...