Beyond the pure adventure of a trip to the badlands of Montana, the story of Ezra Riley and Jubal Lee Walker is a vital lesson in discernment--a lesson for all of us who wrestle with the tension between the exciting dynamic of the Spirit and the immu...
After the death of his father, one of the last real cowboys, Ezra Riley struggles to live up to his father's legacy an uncompromising strength, tempered by the compassion and faith that Ezra has discovered along the way. Original....
In the not-so-distant future a courageous soldier named Daniel may be the only hope for a world threatened by heretics, racists, and savages. Known for his bravery and pure heart, Daniel guides Deborah, a beautiful and mysterious woman, through the v...
Ezra Riley returns in this fourth in a series of contemporary western novels following the life of a rancher in eastern Montana. Fast-paced but with a poetic touch, the novel chronicles the challenges Ezra Riley faces from physical pains, a billionai...