Ninety-Eight is a series of interconnected tales published in 1911 as Ninety-Eight and Sixty Years After. These vivid tales, set in Co. Antrim in 1798 and sixty years later, are brutally realistic and yet thrillingly supernatural. A major theme is th...
Children, young, middle-aged, old, women, men, straight, gay, good, bad and ugly all spring from the pages of this kaleidoscope of stories laced with humour, pathos, love, murder, drama and suspense; stories all with a common theme: the human conditi...
" ...]comparatively short lapse of time suffices, to relieve them from anything more than slight momentary reminiscences of what had struck them with such painful force, and to restore, in regard to the general view of the acknowledged misery of the ...
A rhythmic introduction to the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous eras and their prehistoric creatures combines colorful artwork with comprehensive text by a dinosaur expert, in a volume complemented by a musical recording by popular rapper, Mike Henr...