Jade Novak, a beautiful gypsy fortuneteller, is longing to escape the burden of her past indiscretions and flee from an arranged marriage. Danny O'Brien, a magazine editor, is torn between his career and a doomed engagement. Destiny brought them toge...
Lindsey Barrett enjoys a busy life as an emergency room physician. To that demanding career, add her obligations as a fundraising committee chairperson for the hospital's new Care Center and caregiver for her elderly grandfather and pets, and she bar...
Middle age is anything but boring for Christie Myers, high school math teacher. Suddenly alone and pregnant with her ex-husband's baby, she finds herself caretaker to her ornery mother-in-law and mentor to a streetwise teen. With her job on the line ...
When Liz Pruitt goes back home to Olson, Ontario, to help her mother prepare her students for a dance recital, she doesn't expect her mother to break her leg, forcing Liz to take on the responsibility of her mother's dance studio. She also doesn't ex...