Following her acclaimed debut, Jo Graham returns to the ancient world with a novel that will captivate lovers of fantasy, history and romance. Set in Ancient Egypt, Hand of Isis is the story of Charmian, a handmaiden, and her two sisters. It is a...
In a time of war and doubt, Gull is an oracle. Daughter of a slave taken from fallen Troy, chosen at the age of seven to be the voice of the Lady of the Dead, she is destined to counsel kings. When nine black ships appear, captained by an exiled T...
Aided by the eunuch Bagoas, the Persian archer Artashir, and the Athenian courtesan Thais, Ptolemy and Lydias must take on all the contenders in a desperate adventure whose prize is the fate of a white city by the sea, and Alexander's legacy....
Colonel John Sheppard knows it's going to be a bad day when he wakes up in a downed Jumper with a head wound and no memory of how he got there. Things don't get any better. Concussed, far from the Stargate, and with his only remaining team mate...
The world is a numinous place for those who have eyes to see it. Welcome to the Numinous World, where gods and angels intervene in the lives of mortals, and a band of eternal companions unite and reunite over the centuries, life after life. Theirs ar...
The Enemy WithinWhen disaster strikes, the Atlantis team resort to desperate measures in their bid to save Doctor Rodney McKay from the clutches of Queen Death. With the lives of McKay and Colonel Sheppard at stake, Teyla Emagan must once again assum...
Liberté, Egalité, Sensualité. . . . As a spirit of change overturns Europe’s old order, strong-willed Elzelina Versfelt enters her own age of revolution. Married as a romantic young girl to a man who wanted only her money, but neither loves ...
Courtesan, actress, medium -- spy. 1805: Europe stands poised on the brink of war. Elza is content with her life in the demi-monde, an actress and courtesan in the glittering society of France's First Empire, but when her former lover is arrested for...
Kia, a princess by blood and Starlin, a princess by adoption, are sisters who share a similar fate. Kia follows Starlin no matter what she does. Kia wants nothing to do with her kingdom after her mother was killed when she was ten. Years later, they ...
Woman of MysteryThe world knows her as an actress and courtesan, the mistress of one of Napoleon’s glittering inner circle, but Elza (aka Ida St Elme) is more than that. Only a few besides her beloved Michel know she is a secret agent in Napoleonâ...
Past imperfectStranded in Ancient Egypt at the end of the STARGATE SG-1 episode Moebius, Jack O'Neill, Sam Carter, Teal'c and Daniel Jackson are enjoying the simple lives they've forged in the years since Ra was driven from Earth. But life never stay...
Sounding Dark is a legend, a ghost ship missing two hundred years. Now it may be the only hope for the pirate republic of Eresh to stand against the mighty Calpurnian Navy. In the wake of a terrible defeat, Adelita Massacre, the Steel Captain, know...
1489—When Giulia Farnese came to Rome to make an arranged marriage with young noble Orsino Orsini, she dreamed of learning and power in the glittering city of the Renaissance popes. However, her mother-in-law seems frightened, and her husband ...
When a Calpurnian faction leader kidnaps the young son of the Guardian of the city of Beira on Menaechmi, it's up to his gaura, the intrepid Caralys, to find a way to rescue the boy. Getting a child off a Calpurnian warship in orbit safely seems impo...
1492: Giulia Farnese is the mistress of the powerful Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia. Educated, brave and ambitious, Giulia revels in the art and ideas of the Renaissance and in her newfound influence as the consort of one of the leaders of the humanist move...