This story has comedy, adventure and action. A New Beginning is the start of a series of stories about Jenny Dewberry, just an ordinary, thirteen year old girl, who had an ordinary life, until her grandmother, Alinore Grayson passes away. Alinore lea...
A New World is the second book in the Series of Jenny Dewberry. It is such an exciting story with action in every chapter, that when you read it, you will not want to put it down. In the first book "A New Beginning" Jenny finds out that she is a witc...
Book 3 The Mystic Kingdom A Jenny Dewberry Series The magical saga continues when Jenny, Donny and their friends venture into another magical kingdom to rescue the Farians who have been captured by Madiva. The King and Queen Farian wait patiently for...
The journey of Jenny Dewberry's magical life continues in the fourth book as she fights the most nefarious, evil demon ever to exist. This demon, the Emperor of the underground, the greatest Sorcerer ever, is the cause of all the corruption going on ...