This fictional novel is about a group of young men who grew up in a big city amongst ethnical neighborhoods, poverty, alcoholism, and gangs. When the country is forced into World War II they leave their families and sweethearts and join the Army. The...
Good Medicine, Bad Medicine sweeps through the old West around the time of the California gold rush. Settlers risk their lives on a daily basis looking for a place to live and raise their families; some will even steal what others have worked so hard...
Broken Spur is an adventure thriller as three Texas Rangers ride a trail of revenge across Texas fighting the Comanche's as they track down the murderers that ambushed their friends in south Texas. The main character's goal is to marry his sweetheart...
This book contains a rich sampling of life in the Fifties. Growing up after WWII in a prosperous, carefree land, the biggest worry was if a special girl or guy would be at the high school dance or if your report card was met with approval. It was als...
My Cowboy Heroes Volume I is a collection of short stories compiled from the My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys monthly column as seen in numerous magazines around the southwest and nationally. These are interesting stories about unique individuals w...
The Proud Bull is a contemporary western about the way things really are in the west (at least for some modern day cowboys). When four young cowhands go on a wild maverick catching excursion in the 1980 s (not the 1880 s as one might expect) they are...
After winning at Texas Holdem I decided to show Kate my good fortune and after buying a round of drinks, I headed for Kate's.
This area of town wasn’t the safest place to be walking at night, so I planned on hailing a c...
In a tense showdown between corporate interests and community values, the fate of the Voyager Dune hangs in the balance. Mython Corporation's ambitious plans to extract the dune and replace it with a sprawling residential complex along one of North A...