Thrygragos Varuna Mithras offers his two Great God brothers, Thrygragos Lazareme and Thrygragos Byron, the option of henotheism, with him as the top god amongst the top gods on the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head. If they refuse his offer, he promis...
The Gods and Goddesses, the Demons and Monsters, of ancient mythologies have been trivialized, their worship proscribed and the entities themselves confined to another realm. Their ongoing battles are chronicled throughout Jim McPherson's PHANTACEA M...
In 4825 Year of the Dome, forces loyal to the Death Gods of Frozen Lathakra threaten to overwhelm the Utopian Weirdom of Cabalarkon. Its demonically-empowered Master counterattacks mercilessly. In the nearly 5,000 years since the Moloch Sedon preserv...
Despite often violent suppression by forces blinkered by monotheistic absolutism, at the height of the Renaissance seekers after secrets are determined to discover all there is to know about the universe. Yet, right here on the earth beneath their fe...
Contagion Collectors aimed to destroy the Inner Earth's Shining Ones, their devil-gods, by killing off those who would worship them - virtually everyone alive beneath the Cathonic Dome that enclosed the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head. Thrygragos Ev...
Goddess Gambit Book Three of "The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories" Only three weapons have any history of effectiveness against Master Devas, the Shining Ones of myth, legend and more than a few polytheistic faiths on the Whole Earth even to this day. Th...
The Launching of the Cosmic Express took place on Centauri Island at the end of November 1980. It was destroyed ... Or was it? No matter. Its destroyers thought it was. And they're not done yet. Who or what can stop them? The Menace on the Moon? Silv...
Scientists first detect signals coming from somewhere out in space in early 1978. Their excitement is palpable. Finally they have proof humanity isn't alone in the cosmos. Then, about a month after their initial detection, the source is pinpointed. E...
The tragic tale of the doomed but ever-defiant band of perhaps not-so-miraculously re-embodied supranormals known as the Damnation Brigade continues in the initial mini-novel extracted from the open-ended saga of Wilderwitch's Babies.
By th...
"Hidden Headgames" presents three intertwined novellas featuring characters who appeared during ‘The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories' and 'Launch 1980' epic fantasy trilogies, all of which are still available for ordering from Phantacea Publications. I...
The tragic tale of the doomed, but ever-defiant band of perhaps not-so-miraculously re-embodied supranormals known as the Damnation Brigade continues in the second mini-novel extracted from the open-ended saga of 'Wilderwitch's Babies'.
This is the story of a little girl named Lainey who is stung by a mean wasp named Jasper at a young age. It is determined that Lainey is allergic to wasp venom, which can kill her if she is stung multiple times without immediate treatment. As Christm...