The heroine, Melanie Evers, is a plucky young working-class woman from Akron, Ohio struggling to support herself in Chicago in the post-9-11 economy. TEMPLAND follows Melanie's journey through the temporary employment world from a college student on ...
DOMINO EFFECT, by Jill Elaine Hughes 21-year-old college student and aspiring journalist Nancy Delaney’s nose for news smells a hot story idea when it comes to international playboy and artist Peter Rostovich. But as she works to get her story, she...
“Newcomer Jill Elaine Hughes raises a fresh new voice in the zombie genre with a story filled with plenty of action, well-rounded characters and lots of shocks. Fun, fast-paced and highly entertaining. ZOMBIE, INCORPORATED rocks!” --Jonathan Mabe...
SEQUEL TO TEMPLAND. It’s the beginning of 2003, a few months after the end of TEMPLAND. Melanie Evers is back as she struggles under the insane demands of her long-sought Permanent Job. Now a human resources executive at Marquette Bank, what starte...
21-year-old “outsider artist” Libby Barbary grew up in a wealthy Boston family, but her parents disowned her and she ran away when she refused to conform to their narrow expectations. Now she waits tables to survive, and her love life consists of...
BUTTERFLY EFFECT, by Jill Elaine Hughes Book Two of THE DOMINO SERIES. When we last left Nancy Delaney and Peter Rostovich, they were on the run from violent criminal overlords in the former Soviet Union. Our hero Peter Rostovich is an elusive, enigm...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Jill Elaine Hughes has published 9 books.
Jill Elaine Hughes does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Butterfly Effect, was published in February 2016.
The first book by Jill Elaine Hughes, Templand, was published in December 2012.