The spirit of eleven-year-old Shelley Graves, killed in a house fire, follows the family to their new home, and through her younger sister, Sara, she attempts to take revenge on the family that secretly and horribly abused her. Shelley Graves was...
After the hauntings, the horror, the loss of her husband, the memory sealed in flames. Allison McDowell has finally found a new home and a new father for her three young boys. It looks like a fresh start after the terror she has endured. But the horr...
It's 2334 and after 300 years of war, the world is at peace. However, Dirk is not happy with the world he has helped to create until he thinks he's discovered the secret of warp drive. The problem is that someone wants warp drive for themselves and t...
Earth's in turmoil. The people want a fight and Dirk is needed urgently. But he's vanished. Despite peace negotiations, AWS is waging its own war against the human race. Can Dirk come to the rescue and crash the programme before both fleets self-dest...
Zelia is a priestess with sky-blue skin and strange tempers. Half-human and half-air elemental, she lives uneasily in the College of Healers. Perceived as an outsider, and declared a renegade, she is nevertheless chosen for strange and dangerous task...
Jessica Palmer has had 28 books published, both fiction and nonfiction. Her novels â€" horror, fantasy and science fiction â€" were released by Pocket Books in the United States and Scholastic in the United Kingdom. She has written two textbooks abou...
Jessica Palmer was born in Chicago, Illinois. Her mother became a professional clown when she was in her teens, leaving Palmer irrevocably altered. She received her degree in nursing and worked in hospitals, starting with medical-surgical units. Even...
The children are told to count sheep when they complain they’re not tired and can’t sleep. But what happens when those sheep have no interest in being counted? What happens when those sheep have some adventuring to do?...