As the deadly, self-proclaimed "Patriot" stalks the virtual reality computer Net, only one man-virtual reality programmer and committed Christian Ethan Hamilton-has the professional expertise, conviction, and supernatural guidance to pursue the high-...
In the year 2007, every GlobeNet user receives the following e-mail message: "This is your God. I have become displeased with all my worlds. Things have become unmanageable. Therefore I will wipe out all participants and begin again. Prepare to be pu...
This fast-paced tale of genetic engineering and biological warfare has all the heart-pounding suspense of a Tom Clancy blockbuster. As a new believer, gene-splicing technician Tamara Mack is fascinated with God's message and His presence in her life....
WHERE THE HORROR IS REAL For the pregnant Chun-Mi and her North Korean family, freedom from a lifetime of tyranny comes at tremendous risk -- life in a despot's labor camp or possible execution. When their escape attempt is thwarted in China and t...