Sparks fly as Jennifer Maul’s and Francis Connor’s respective assignments become, confusingly, at odds. Their job is to gently vacate the elderly occupants of a neglected Civil War Era mansion, Willow Manor. The eerie manor is destined for demoli...
Far from their respective hometowns, Frieda Moss’s and Sean Davis’ paths cross in a very peculiar place. Street-wise and world-weary, they find themselves confused by each other’s secretiveness and distracted by an unwanted attraction. Their di...
The family of Gabriel Smith is an average middle class family with above average adversity. Because of a serious car accident their lives have changed. But coming out of nowhere the relentless Truth of the Good News-Gospel will also change their live...
The tracks in the desert are still fresh in hearts where the Exodus is known. Where God’s chosen would spend forty years in migration, learning and practicing His perfect will. Modern-day exposure to this same wilderness presents a deadly peril to ...