Private investigator Alexis Albright is unwittingly dragged into the world of the Japanese yakuza, a bloody crime syndicate, when she accidentally finds papers relating to the syndicate on the body of a woman killed in front of her home...
As Europe unites its economic goals and relaxes trade barriers, Mafia intervention grows stronger. Cesare Ricaso now has unconstrained avenues for pumping heroin, cocaine, and Soviet gold to neighboring countries and has begun to manipulate his peopl...
The relationship between popular music and fashion has been a culturally significant one since the 1950s, and this book explores how music and musicians play a key role in the shaping of identity, taste and consumption. Using a range of historical an...
Emily Davidson becomes an accidental stowaway on a Mississippi River keelboat in 1822. Unknowingly, she has taken the first step toward a totally different life in distant and dangerous Colorado. That step, she soon discovers, is irreversible....