From his tour of duty in World War II, Phillip McEvan has returned to Dawson Creek with invisible scars. An unexpected bequest from his beloved "Grandma" Lucy offers him both the opportunity for a new life and the challenge of maintaining the boardin...
The early twentieth century was a period of great change for the town of Dawson Creek, British Columbia, a time of railroads, the Alaskan Highway, and two World Wars. Titles include River of Peace, Beckoning Streams, Winding Highway, and Hidden Trail...
For the good citizens of Hope, Washington, the future appears hopeless- until a small boy's crazy idea for a Homespun Christmas begins to turn things around. A century earlier, when pastor Fergus McKay came as pioneer to the small logging village of ...
Christmas - Military Style Life... i is never still in the military. Even Christmas is a season of challenge. . .a season of change. This year, several servicemen and women will face a range of life-altering experiences. Captain Tim Falkirk, a ...
Journey back to the great decade of the 1940s through nine romances that ignite despite the challenges and dangers of a world war. Couples meet under unique circumstances -- during the bombing of London, at military outposts, through covert operation...