Join fellow sufferer Proun Nul on his quest to find meaning in a desolate world saturated with angst and ennui. Foreman on a deconstruction ship that specializes in demolishing belief outbreaks, Nul is prodded out of his complacency by a false murder...
This four-part novel follows the lives and adventures of three teenage boys, from Victoria, Australia, to the seat of government in Whitehall, England, during eleven turbulent months. In Storm Ridge, we meet 14-year-old Wesley, his best friend, Graha...
Middleton Public Library's Rex Libris, the world's toughest librarian, continues his campaign against demons, monsters, and unreturned library books in this second collection of the hit comic! Rex Libris: Book of Monsters collects issues #6-12....
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and...
The San Francisco real estate market has clawed its way back from oblivion, but still it's nothing compared to the heady bubble days of 2005. Just ask real estate queen Ella Barker. She's at the top of her career, a master of San Francisco’s hyster...
• A slacker prince inherits a space empire... and finds himself responsible for the lives of billions! Emperor Zoz of Io has retired, leaving his slacker son Zing in charge of the Ion Empire. After initiating sweeping social reforms to impress h...
They're cute, they're curious, they're bean dogs.Reads L to R (Western Style). It's a BEAN! It's a DOG! It's...BOTH?! Meet Mameshiba, the cute little bean dogs with bite! Starring in their first ever adventures, they rescue friends, explore outer ...
They’re cute, they’re curious, they’re bean dogs. The Japanese sensations are coming to the U.S. in their first-ever adventures.Reads L to R (Western Style) Meet Mameshiba! The Japanese sensations are coming to the U.S. in their first-ever grap...
The beans are BACK!
Chili Bean's in love, Cocoa Bean's larger than life, and you won't believe what's under Red Bean's bed!
The cuteness is epic, and the adventure is better than ever!
Don't miss the Mameshiba Shorts!
...Meet Mameshiba! The Japanese sensations are coming to the U.S. in their first-ever graphic novel series! Now that these irresistibly cute, irrepressibly curious characters have been unleashed, there’s no telling where they’ll turn up! It was ...
There's magic in the air!
Cranberry Bean is under a spell, Edamame's kitchen is haunted, and Sword Bean is protecting the newest members of the Mameshiba family: Babyshiba! It’s all fun and games until someone upsets a magic tortoise!
Have you ever traveled across country with your family and a pet? Imagine losing your pet on your trip! Told from the point of view of a thirteen year old boy, and a pet poodle, Jimmy and Moe is based on a true story of loss and homecoming. If you ha...
The astonishing story of the incomparable Rex Libris, Head Librarian at Middleton Public Library. From ancient Egypt, where his beloved Hypatia was murdered, to the farthest reaches of the galaxy in search of overdue books, Rex upholds his vow to fig...
An imaginative and playful misfit accidentally opens a portal to a fantastical reality in James Turner's graphic novel. Zach Vandermeer's imagination can get the young man into trouble. Zach loves to play role-playing games, and Heroic Journey is his...
Embark on an adventure that will test the limits of survival and unravel the enigmatic tales of those who seek solace in the heart of the untamed. In Savannah Solstice, a diverse group gathers at Umphlati Lodge, their lives intertwining against the b...
On the dark and shadowy surface of a living black hole resides one Maggor Thoom, demon. After endless eons of success as the star employee of the Insanity Acquisition Department, he has lost his passion and purpose. Yet he knows all too well that tho...