In 2012 A.D., during a time of rising political and social turmoil, a mechanized force with power far greater than any nations of the world is revealed, with the monstrous goal of world domination. From the unknown rises a hero who, along with the he...
With the unexpected death of their Aunt Thortis, John Barrington and his sister Ellen, suddenly find themselves as the new owners of an old mansion located in the middle of Michigan’s wild and beautiful Upper Peninsula. The house, known to the loca...
SHEA MCTORY (POV), 31, is down on his luck, way down. His short photography career fell to the alcohol-saturated party scene. For a few years he's been on the street, scratching from job to job. He gets more than bargained for when he answers the ad:...
Katie and her widowed father have always lived on their own, high up in a place few intruders would dare approach: alongside the crater of a collapsed volcano. They've built a simple but happy life for themselves, far from the frontier perils of the ...
The late-nineteen-fifties and early-sixties television series, Rod Serling’s THE TWILIGHT ZONE, in my opinion, was filled with stories of events that just happened. When that show began I was ten years old. I would glue myself to the screen, and Ro...
In 2021 many more nations than the superpowers have nuclear weapons and dependable delivery systems, but don't expect ships and bombers. Viewpoint in this novel is strictly from the civilian.New cover, no more confusion; it's not about Christmas Kirb...
The war in Vietnam (a Cold War era military conflict) began November 1, 1955, (the first US military advisors arrived in 1950) but would not end until the fall of Saigon, April 30, 1975. The war would kill (minimum to maximum numbers, according to Wi...
The mother of all disasters Think of the 1800s, the wagontrains, and the people who crossed the prairie looking for a better life. Now fast-forward to the new millennium and the worldwide economy totally crashing, causing unbelievable chaos and viole...
Stephen Moorehouse has finished his first year of art school back east and is excited about returning to his Uncle Phillip’s estate in northern Michigan. When he finally arrives, Jeanette, his uncle’s beautiful assistant, and the woman he has wai...
Love Unleashed is an inspirational book that explores the power of love, the depths of its meaning, and how it can transform our lives.It takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and discovery of the world around us. Through real-life stories and...
Fleeing the New England coast after foiling a British man-of-war's attempt to seize his cargo, merchant sea captain Isaac Biddlecomb finds himself in the middle of a brewing rebellion and at the mercy of a sadistic captain....