In a remote city on the edge of two worlds, where blood has power and water is more precious than freedom, three far-flung friends unite on a quest to save their families. Sal Hrvati’s estranged father has brought more into the world than the woman...
Travelling alone in the depths of winter, Morlock Ambrosius (bitterly dry drunk, master of all magical makers, wandering swordsman, and son of Merlin Ambrosius and Nimue Viviana) is attacked by an unknown enemy. To unmask his enemy and end the attack...
"Spear-age, sword-age: shields are shattered. Wind-age, wolf-age: before the world founders no man will show mercy to another." Wuruyaaria: city of werewolves, whose raiders range over the dying northlands, capturing human beings for slaves or...
The story you are about to read features James Enge’s wondrous character, Morlock Ambrosius. Morlock is a swordsman, an exile, a hunchback, a drunk, and a wizard, though he himself would use the term “Maker” and say he is a master of the two ar...
It's dwarves vs dragons in this origin story for Enge's signature character, Morlock Ambrosius! Before history began, the dwarves of Thrymhaiam fought against the dragons as the Longest War raged in the deep roads beneath the Northhold. Now the d...
Gods Clash with Gods, and the powers beyond gods, as the origin story of Morlock Ambrosius continues! The masked powers of Fate and Chaos are killing gods in the land of Kaen, facing the Wardlands across the Narrow Sea. Vocates Aloê Oaij and Mor...
The tale of the early days of Morlock Ambrosius--master of all magical makers, wandering swordsman, and son of Merlin--concludes! From beyond the northern edge of the world, the Sunkillers (undying enemies of everything that lives and breathes and...
"Thieves at the Gate" was published in the anthology Blackguards: Tales of Assassins, Mercenaries, and Rogues. About this story, author James Enge says, "The principal thief in this story is me. I stole the world and characters for 'Thieves at th...