This tale of savage conflict and enduring faith tells of a wolf's passion to overcome evil, and the battle for victory in the deep woods. The encroaching powers of the Dark Council call for courage and determination as never before among the follower...
The international bestselling author of Dark Visions“writes like a man possessed” as a worldwide conspiracy and religious mystery unfold (Steve Jackson, New York Times bestselling author). HAUNTED BY HIS PAST In a world ruled by the ...
An ancient evil has darkened the halls of Saint Gregory's Abbey in the Italian Alps. The monastery becomes a murderous battleground as a group of monks and tourists are forced to combat an unstoppable force. Cut off from rescue by a snowstorm, the de...
An electrifying thriller from the international bestselling author of The Reckoning, Cain, and Hunter. “Huggins writes like a man possessed.” -- Steve Jackson, New York Times bestselling author Joe Mac was a legendary homicide detective un...
When man plays god, evil follows in these three sci-fi fantasy thrillers by the international bestselling author whose “pacing is nonstop” (Publishers Weekly, on Hunter). Hunter Scientists have accidentally tapped into the deepest recesses ...