Fiction. "Irene Beltran Hernandez's ACROSS THE GREAT RIVER, an adventure story, will capture the interest of young readers...the great river is the Rio Grande. This is the story of the Campos family's effort to cross the river from Mexico and find wh...
Heartbeat Drumbeat is a coming-of-age story, set in the multi-cultural American Southwest. Morgana Cruz is the daughter of a Navajo mother and a Mexican-American father. In her search for identity, Morgana weaves her way through a series of personal...
HONOR, serving as your brother's keeper, getting back on the right path after having swayed -- these are just a few of the values that Beaver embodies as he tries to create a decent life for himself and his brother following his mother's death and hi...
The only remaining Amazon warriors survive a journey across the ocean to build a city, Cherron, at the mouth of the Amazon River in South America. Two Queens, the diplomatic Queen Myrina and the fierce Military Queen Concori dedicate themselves to up...