“Iceberg Slim breaks down some of the coldest, capitalist concepts I’ve ever heard in my life.” -- Dave Chappelle, from his Netflix special The Bird RevelationThe most gritty and real illustration of the black ghetto ever told, from the only m...
“[In Pimp], Iceberg Slim breaks down some of the coldest, capitalist concepts I’ve ever heard in my life.” -- Dave Chappelle, from his Nextflix special The Bird RevelationPimp sent shockwaves throughout the literary world when it published in ...
Iceberg Slim, bestselling author of Pimp and Trick Baby, brings us yet another riveting classic about the most incredible con man ever to have risen.Picking up where Trick Baby left off, we dive into the world of Johnny O’Brien, better known as Whi...
The author that brought black literature to the streets is back. Weaving stories of deceit, sex, humor, and race, bestselling author Iceberg Slim brings us the story of a hustler who doesn’t just play the con game, he transforms it.This is the grit...
This is the original mafia story that spawned all the rest -- the story of Chicago’s ruthless and tireless mafia.Power hungry Don, Jimmy Collucci, is out to become the kingpin of Chicago’s “Honored Society.” However, his rise to the top can o...
“Iceberg Slim breaks down some of the coldest, capitalist concepts I’ve ever heard in my life.” -- Dave Chappelle, from his Netflix special The Bird Revelation In this collection of six gritty tales from the underground, Iceberg Slim creates a...
Iceberg Slim described himself as “ill…from America’s fake façade of justice and democracy,” an illness that may have been a detriment, but evolved into the tales that serve as a chilling reminder that we are all still inmates of one prison ...
From the multi-million copy master of vernacular black literature and pioneer of hip hop culture, a masterpiece of crime fiction set in Los Angeles' meanest, toughest streets. Here is the newly discovered novel by Iceberg Slim, the creator and und...
1980s Los Angeles. The crack epidemic has hit hard. Innocent and damned alike fall victim to the artificial allure of the drug -- a teenager accidentally overdoses, junkies smoke crack laced with cyanide, a gang member is shot down in the streets,...