Felix Renn is a private investigator in a supernatural world, an alternate reality where a dark dimension called The Black Lands co-exists alongside our own. Travelling to and from The Black Lands is dangerous - and illegal - but that doesn't stop so...
In this brilliant debut collection, Ian Rogers explores the border-places between our world and the dark reaches of the supernatural. The landscape of death becomes the new frontier for scientific exploration. With remarkable deftness, Rogers draws t...
A young boy discovers a place where it's always autumn. The key is finding his way back. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places between our world and the dark rea...
"Did you remember to blow out the candle?" One innocuous question leads to a night of terror. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places between our world and the dar...
Meet Charlotte. She's a spider for the new millennium. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places between our world and the dark reaches of the supernatural.
A woman and her children meet a mysterious man with the ability to ride the river currents. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places between our world and the dark ...
Wendy's job was to translate the artefact known as Black Book. She should have read the fine print. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places between our world and t...
A struggling actor discovers a secret world where people film movie scenes for the cutting room floor. If he's not careful, he might find himself getting chopped. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction col...
There's a reason the house on Ashley Avenue isn't on the real estate market. Two paranormal investigators are about to find out why. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the bord...
The only thing worse than seeing the Unnaturals is when you realize they're can see you, too. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places between our world and the dar...
Books have power. What happens when some people use that power for evil? This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places between our world and the dark reaches of the supe...
There's a nightclub in New York that everyone wants to go into. Getting out is the hard part. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places between our world and the dar...
Three men return from an expedition to the dimension of death, only to find out that something has come back with them. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places bet...
A boy discovers taking care of his pet demon is demanding work, especially when he decides to enter the creature in his school's talent show. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores...
Two couples on a trip to see a lighthouse end up traveling into another world. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places between our world and the dark reaches of th...
Tentacles, zombies, hellhounds -- it's the end of the world as we know ut. It's not so bad if you have a hammock. This short story is part of Ian Rogers's Every House is Haunted, a short fiction collection that explores the border-places between o...
Felix Renn is a private investigator in a supernatural world, an alternate reality where a dark dimension called The Black Lands co-exists alongside our own. Travelling to and from The Black Lands is dangerous - and illegal - but that doesn't stop...
Jerry Baldwin sells haunted houses for a living.
A dangerous job--but in a world where paranormal has become the norm, someone has to do it. When the daughter of a former client ends up possessed by a supernatural entity, Jerry enlists his f...
The Guf stands empty. The last human soul in all of existence has been stolen by the Devil and his children, the Seven Deadly Sins, and humanity's end is in sight. With no other choice, God enlists Heaven's hatchet man—an entity called Grey tha...