The Global Warning Series features the adventures of Lydia Barnes, a 14-year-old girl who travels with her widower missionary father to exciting locations around the world. In each story Lydia finds herself facing new challenges that introduce reader...
In book two of the Global Warning Series, Lydia finds herself in Jerusalem for Christmas. However, she doesn't experience peace during this holiday season. The ongoing war between the Israelis and the Palestinians that she had been bored by in the ne...
In the third book of the Global Warning Series, Lydia travels to exotic Jamaica for a fun and relaxing vacation. But Lydia doesn't get much rest in this paradise. While staying at a tourist resort, Lydia survives a shark attack which ignites a series...
Meet Lydia Barnes, a 14-year-old girl who travels to exotic locations around the world with her missionary father. She finds adventures, meets new people, and will inspire the tweens in the U.S. to want to change the world.
Lydia is the sta...