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H.C. Turk's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    29 Books
  • First Book:
    November 1987
  • Latest Book:
    September 2024
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Book List in Order: 29 titles

  • A novel of early nineteenth-century magic follows Aba--sorceress of white witchcraft--who is taken to England to protect her from the potency and consequences of her own powers, only to be cast into far greater challenges and danger...

  • Near the end of World War II, an American soldier in Germany is mortally wounded. In his final moment, he experiences the glory of a beautiful life, if only in his dreams. This is not a war story, despite its setting, but the story of a young person ...

  • Rod Hill, a construction worker in Florida, is accidentally killed. The next day, he regains consciousness. Doctors consider his revival miraculous. An FBI agent, Vernon Nielsen, is sent to scrutinize Rod for signs of fraud. Vernon is convinced that ...

  • Six-year-old Jeanine Alden is murdered by Frank Hynek. He is tried and convicted. During the sentencing hearing, the girl’s father, Glenn, kills Hynek. Though tried for this killing, Glenn is acquitted. During a news conference, Frank’s sister, S...

  • As part of a treaty with a primitive race, Terran space explorers agree to dispose of an abandoned stellar craft. Trapped inside the ship, the Terrans find numerous alien corpses, and one ghost.      *Revised October 2017* In order to escape, th...

  • In 1853, on an island near Indonesia, a girl is selected to unite her nation. Starling Agara becomes Princess Of Betrothal at the age of fourteen. In seven years, she will marry the nation's prince, joining her country's opposing political factions. ...

  • In 1991, Spec. 4 William Ellis is sent to investigate a toxic waste dump in the Philippines. But William accidentally kills a boy threatened by a French historian (Vigneux) who is seeking the treasures of a primitive clan. Suffering a nervous breakdo...

  • In the near future, Robar Drill awakens from a chemical torpor to learn that he is not the average pizza boy he appears, but a former wino whose life has been commandeered by The Federal Government. During the years in which Robar's senses were nulle...

  • Paul Crawford (16) is an American living with his parents in Spanish Morocco in 1919. He smuggles in order to buy a ranch in Wyoming. He just wants to be a cowboy. After Paul has sex with a Berber woman, his parents are killed by rivals. Paul joins F...

  • In Balapasar (a fictional nation near Indonesia), nationalist forces begin a civil war in order to end foreign influences. The American ambassador and his family (Raymond Weston, wife Ellen, and their children, Connie [17] and Jerry [16]) must flee. ...

  • The world is coming to an end. Predictions are sent to every nation in e-mail messages. But this time, instead of fraud or some misinterpretation of ancient history, the events are coming true. Stan Powers, an average guy in Florida, finds himself li...

  • Sherri Zwiefelhofertziegen (19) is on a field trip to the Mid-Eastern nation of Kharnstan for Arabic studies when a friend challenges her to steal some saffron from a sacred field. Foolishly, Sherri complies, but is immediately overwhelmed by a semi-...

  • THESE ENTITIES:•A man whose smile can stop the sun.•A woman who is Mother To All.•A guide sent to bring them together.ARE ALSO:•A man created to destroy Earth.•A woman hired to bear his assassin.•An automaton sent to ensure their success....

  • Corrupted by a professor who teaches sabotage, a new mode of interstellar transport shifts history, turning time into a monster.Samuel Ligon is a 23rd-century interference operator (INOP) utilizing a Remote Ortho-Organic Data Integrator (ROOD): a com...

  • On her way to an offworld vacation, Melody Rich is violently kissed by an alien who thrusts something down her throat: the key to a lost planet. Melody’s vacation becomes an adventure as she follows a map to find the solution to the alien creation ...

  • Samuel Ligon is a univercity field professor in the 22nd century. As an interference operator (inop), Ligon interferes with foreign societies in order to teach his class about world governments. Ligon employs the newest in technols, a Remote Ortho-Or...

  • NEXT CENTURY tells the same story set in three different eras: 1799, 1999, and 2099.Born in 1799, Claire Easton continues a line of women dissatisfied with the gentleman’s world of London. Playing with a lad named Walter, Claire learns that boys ar...

  • Two families suffer when their deepest desires are fulfilled in a most foreign manner. On vacation in a mountain cabin, six people are standing before a fireplace when it explodes. Something comes down the chimney that they can look at but not see, a...

  • Abner Wagner is a PI in Georgia with a false license and false name. He is hired by Gail Templin to investigate the killing of her brother, Joe, years earlier in Florida. Wagner cannot resist taking the case, and doesn't know why. In Florida, he begi...

  • Curt and Robin Faraldi are adoptive siblings. Robin is from another city, but Curt is from another planet. As a teen, despondent Curt vows to find his real home. His wishes come true when the Faraldi house begins exchanging with a building on Curt's ...

  • After Stan Power's ex-wife accidentally kills their daughter, heartbroken Stan vows to do anything to change this tragedy, even if it means living the events over again. And again. And again. His weapons are alchemy, magic, and a science that won't e...

  • In this retelling of THE WIZARD OF OZ, the original fantasy is shown to be the result of a virtual reality experiment gone wrong. Though still a poignant fable, this story has the bite of future science.*A girl carries her doll in one hand and a fres...

  • Melody Keen is the first child born on Mars, where her family populates a research settlement. When Melody is two, the adults begin vanishing. Though they return minutes later, they are not completely human. Melody is left alone with aliens who are u...

  • On her way to an offworld vacation, Melody Spell is violently kissed by an alien who thrusts something down her throat: the key to a lost planet. Following a star map, Melody is eaten by a megabug, kidnapped by space pirates, and has to face down met...

  • The inner life of a man trapped inside himself.Wendell Calinar, 78, suffers a stroke. The physical result is slight paralysis, but the mental implications—stemming from memory loss—are more profound. A retired history professor, Wendell's...

  • After dying from a fear experiment, a young woman returns as a ghost, reaching back from the Alchemists to Nazi scientists for peace. To succeed, she will have to direct her family to make sure she dies again. *  *  *In post-...

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    A Memoir From The Future On How We'll Survive COVID-19 A story predicting the challenges facing us, and how we'll overcome the coronavirus pandemic: → Hospitals that become a second home. → A diet of beans and beans (and bean...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

H.C. Turk has published 29 books.

H.C. Turk does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Strike The Lilac Scent, was published in September 2024.

The first book by H.C. Turk, Ether Ore, was published in November 1987.

No. H.C. Turk does not write books in series.