The Roman Auxiliaries think they have defeated the Brigante rebels but an alliance of kings threatens the fragile peace. A new prefect of cavalry also threatens to upset the smooth running cavalry unit. Marcus and his fellow decurions must fight for ...
Marcus was a young auxiliary cavalryman but, in the first century, along with his centurion Ulpius Felix he saved the life of Queen Cartimandua and changed the course of Romano-British history. Fighting not only the fierce Brigante and Carvetii warri...
The Roman auxiliary cavalry is fighting with Julius Agricola to make the rest of Britannia Roman but first they have to destroy the Druids of Mona. Marcus Maximunius is captured by the leader of the cult and faces death at close hand. When the Druids...
The Roman legions are being withdrawn from Britannia to fight in the Dacian wars and the Caledonii revolt. The only barrier to a complete invasion of Britannia is a handful of auxiliary units. Marcus' Horse have to fight treachery, witchcraft, spies ...
Wayne is a troubled youngster taken from his home to live with a granny he has never met. When she dies and he is bullied at his secondary school he finds himself alone and unhappy. A visit to Whitby brings him into contact with the ghost of his grea...
Morwenn has returned to claim the throne of the Brigante and she raises the whole of the north. Marcus, Macro and Gaius can do nothing as they are trying to rescue their family kidnapped by the Caeldonii. The depleted Marcus' Horse find themselves ha...
This is the story of two native nobles. One fights for Rome while another plots to destroy Rome's tenuous grip on the province of Britannia. Set against the backdrop of the early days of the Roman invasion of Britain the fast moving novel follows t...
It is 117 A.D. and the Emperor Trajan is dead. The new Emperor, Hadrian needs someone he can trust to go to Britannia and resurrect an auxiliary cavalry force to fend off the barbarians who are threatening the northern frontier. When Livius Sallusti...
Britannia 123 AD.Hadrian’s Wall has only just been started and already there are raids and revolts which threaten to prevent its construction. When raiders from the east manage to capture Marcus and The Sword of Cartimandua then the whole frontier...
This is the story of a young Pannonian warrior who is forced by circumstances to join the Roman Auxiliary cavalry. The story shows his development as a warrior who becomes a leader of men. The story encompasses the campaigns in Germania and culminat...
The tribes are relentless in their attacks on the new wall ordered by the Emperor Hadrian but they now have a new weapon- a spy in the ranks of the Romans, a traitor who feeds them information. Marcus' Horse are stretched to the limits as the war ta...
This is a story of the American Civil War. Jack Hogan is an orphan whose parents are murdered by a scoundrel. After being press ganged to serve on a slaver he finds himself working for a slave master in Charleston. When the war begins they become Pa...
The Partisan Rangers are devastating the Union. Their raids close to Washington bring fear to all. When they find two spies their world is turned upside down as they are disbanded and forced to join a regular cavalry regiment. They have to contend w...
In a land of legend, a new hero emerges as an unlikely warrior rises from the ashes of a village destroyed by invading Saxons. Set in the late Sixth Century Saxon Dawn shows the last flames of resistance to the Anglo-Saxon invaders. King Arthur and t...
Someone has thrown away the rule book. Someone has decided to declare war on the Western world. Someone is targetting the biggest public events. Someone is bringing chaos and terror to an unsupsecting world and they are starting at the Cannes film fe...
Robbie Macgregor is a Franco Scot forced to join the French army to avoid the guillotine. The fast moving and action packed book follows his progress in the Chasseurs from the capture of the Dutch Fleet on the Texel to the conquest of Malta. He meets...
Robbie Macgregor is a Chasseur of France but Napoleon Bonaparte uses him as a spy. He is caught up in the Egyptian campaign facing enemies from within and without. The novel is full of battles and action and the war conducted by Bonaparte against th...
It is the end of Roman Britain and King Aella is engaged in a death struggle with the last Kings of Britannia. Even though Lord Lann, the Wolf Warrior, is undefeated, there is treachery and betrayal within the ranks of the allies. Saxon Revenge tell...
Emperor Hadrian has a new frontier to build but before he can do so then his overworked auxiliaries will have to put down a rebellion of the Brigante and capture the Irish slave raiders who have taken many captives from the heartland of Britannia. Fi...
The Ninth Legion heads north to a date with destiny embroiling the elite auxiliary turma, the Explorates, in a rebellion which almost destroys the province. At the same time Livius and his comrades are sent by the Emperor Trajan on a secret mission t...
In the final book of the series Jack Hogan and the rest of the 1st Virginia Scouts find themselves fighting at Chancellorsville and Brandy Station. The book culminates in the Battle of Gettysburg when they come face to face, not only with a date with...
Robbie Matthews is now a captain in the 11th Light Dragoons. Despite the peace he is soon sent to France to spy on Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion plans. Barely escaping with his life he returns to England to discover that not all of the new officers...
The last Warlord of Rheged is faced with a dilemma. His brothers are besieged by the Saxons and he has to travel through hostile territory to rescue them. He is embroiled in a war with the men of Gwynedd as well as having to fight off raids from th...
The Saxons have surrounded Rheged and only the Warlord of Rheged and his men stand between them and the annihilation of the last survivors of Britain. Fighting not only the Saxons but treachery this fast moving book takes in battles, murder and magi...
The Warlord of Rheged is ready to take the fight to the Saxons and leads an army of knights to reconquer Rheged. Plots and ambushes nearly result in the loss of his son and Prince Cadwallon. The story moves quickly from one end of the land to anothe...
The Warlord of Rheged is summoned to meet the Emperor of Byzantium where he and Myrddyn become embroiled in Eastern conspiracies. It is there he learns the truth about his sword, Saxon Slayer. After an eventful journey back to Britain he forms an al...
A novel set in England in 790 AD. A young Saxon boy and his mother are captured by Viking raiders and taken to a new home. Thanks to an old one armed warrior he finds his true destiny. He wins his freedom and becomes a Viking himself. Forced to sail ...
The Dragon Heart has come of age and sets off with his Ulfheonar to fight the Saxons. A chance visit to a cave brings him face to face with his past and changes his life forever. Fighting both Saxons and Hibernians on land and on sea he and his warr...
Captain Matthews is turned into a double agent by Colonel Selkirk. He has to persuade Napoleon Bonaparte that he is still a loyal Frenchman. Following his return he fights against the French in the Naples campaign before meeting Sir Arthur Wellesley...
The Vikings on the Island of Man are set on revenge. Their families have been kidnapped and taken to Ireland. They have to find them and rescue them. They find themselves fighting not only Hibernian warriors but renegade Vikings too. The perpetrator ...
Jarl Dragon Heart leaves the Isle of Man to go raiding. Beset by enemies both Viking and Saxon he has to rely on the Ulfheonar and his own skills to see him through the crisis. A harsh winter in the land of Rheged brings him face to face with his o...
The Roman Wall brings a clash of cultures and inspires a religious war. The barbarians strive to destroy everything which is Roman. Financed by a rich Romano-British princess the tribes are as well armed as the Romans they fight. With the legion abs...
Jarl Dragon Heart has taken to the seas. With his wolf warriors he raids further afield than ever before as he seeks his destiny. He has to fight new enemies as well as treacherous former allies. The Norns weave their webs and the Vikings discover th...
The story of Sir Arthur Wellesley’s' first success in Iberia and the tragic retreat to Corunna by Sir John Moore. The story follows Robbie Macgregor as he continues to serve his adopted country. With secret missions behind enemy lines and battles ...
The throne of England is slipping from King Henry’s grasp. His only son has drowned in the English Channel and the predators are gathering ready to devour both England and Normandy. When the last of King Harold’s Housecarls returns to England to ...
The world of Dragon Heart is thrown into confusion when they become the target of their Viking brothers. Raiders come every direction to take what Dragon Heart and his people have built. This is the time of Viking fighting Viking for control of the l...
The story of the FE 2b; the Gunbus. First Lieutenant Bill Harsker and his squadron come up against the deadly Fokker monoplane. While many other squadrons are decimated the Gunbuses give the fledgling RFC hope. When a new commanding officer takes ove...
It is the beginning of the Somme Offensive and thousands of British and French soldiers are about to assault the German lines. The RFC comes of age as they sweep the German Fokkers from the skies. Providing a protective umbrella over the Somme they ...
The battle of Arras is about to begin and the new German fighters will rule the skies in what will become Bloody April when the Royal Flying Corps begin to lose pilots and crews in huge numbers. 41 Squadron become the one hope on the Arras front and...
It is late 1917 and the war still grinds on. The Sopwith Camels are holding their own against the German war machine and then they meet the Fokker Triplane and the pilots of the RFC began to fall. As the war drifts into 1918 the Germans have one las...
Jarl Dragon Heart and his special sword prove to be magnets for every young warrior who wishes to make a name for himself. After three assassination attempts the Viking goes to Wessex where he helps Egbert, the King of Wessex fight off an invasion fr...
Alfraed of Norton is given the task of protecting the Empress Matilda back to the Emperor, her husband. He and his men have to fight enemies, bandits and treachery from within as they battle through an Empire which is a nest of treachery and politica...
The Emperor Henry of the Holy Roman Empire is dying and his wife, the Empress Matilda is in danger from those who would use her to gain the title and the power, King Henry of England sends Alfraed of Norton to rescue her and avoid a war. With enemies...
The novel is set in the heart of the Dark Ages and shows the struggle between the Saxons and the remnants of Romano-British tribes. Using actual events from the time the story is of the struggle of a legendary leader with a magical sword who unites t...
There is a new Warlord and he has to face the threat of an invasion from Northumbria. The world is changing and the loyalties of some of his allies are questioned. When treachery strikes then the men of Rheged are forced to defend their homes with ...
Dragon Heart's daughter and daughter in law had been kidnapped. He has to to search for them in the lands and the seas of his enemies. He faces enemies with magical powers as well as enemies who have castles which cannot be taken. In a fast moving ...
Jarl Dragon Heart is set to trade and raid in the seas beyond the world he knows. He has to venture, with an ever decreasing number of oathsworn warriors, to face new and terrible enemies. When he finds himself betrayed from within and pressed on al...
The Empress has given England a male heir but that single action creates rebels in Scotland and in Normandy who try to wrest Normandy and England from King Henry. When the Earl of Cleveland becomes his champion, it unleashes a storm of murder and tr...
With the Empress Matilda about to marry the Count of Anjou, Alfraed is thrown into a world of intrigue and treachery as he tries to hold on to the north with depleted numbers of warriors. When he succeeds he finds that he is punished and sent to the...
It is 1941 and Britain is pressed on all sides. With Japan in the war and convoys being sunk by submarines and surface raiders the last bastion fighting Hitler is beleaguered. The Commandos are the only ones who can fight beyond the Atlantic Wall. ...
Dragonheart must find the traitor, Magnus, who is still a threat to the harmony of his home. He journeys north to the wild islands and to the land of the Welsh but still his enemy evades him. Finding another link to his past the Jarl Dragonheart dis...
While Jarl Dragonheart raids the Empire his homeland is attacked. Taking his warriors he embarks on a war of revenge. He takes on the might of Wessex. When he discovers he has been betrayed he must search out the traitors and spies who hide behind ...
There are plots to invade England and Normandy. There are assassination attempts and the only man who can stop all of these is the Earl of Cleveland. Moving from Scotland to Normandy and back again this is a fast moving novel set in the months befor...
King Henry is dead and Stephen of Blois claims the throne of England and the Dukedom of Normandy. The Earl of Cleveland returns to England to fight for the heirs of Henry. When King David and his Scottish army capture most of northern England it is ...
With King Edwin dead the Welsh and their Mercian allies rule Britain but it is short lived. When King Cadwallon and the Warlord fall out the land is divided once more. Leaders fight each other for petty thrones and the land is in turmoil. When Myrd...
Jarl Dragonheart is aging. His Ulfheonar are getting older too. Is it time for him to sheathe his sword and watch his grandchildren grow? When Klakke Blue Cheek, a Dane with grand ambitions, embroils Jarl Dragonheart in an attempt to take Wessex t...
Tom Harsker and his section now operate out of Malta as they help to prepare the way for the invasion of Sicily. Sent first by boat and then by air they have to survive behind enemy lines before being sent in before the main force to attack the Axis...
The Scots have decided to take advantage of the Civil War in England and King David invades. The only opposition to his mighty army of 26,000 men is the Warlord of the North and an ancient Archbishop of York. With cruel invaders rampaging through n...
Hrolf the young Viking has left the service of Jarl Dragonheart and sails with Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson. When they find a home off the Frankish coast they begin to accumulate a vast fortune which earns them the enmity of other Vikings. The novel culmi...
The son of an old enemy plots the downfall of Jarl Dragonheart and not only his life but that of his family are threatened. Forced to fight off Norse, Danes, Franks and Frisians he and his warriors are stretched to their limit. When he hears of a gre...
The tide is turning and the forces of the Empress are making inroads into King Stephen's lands. The Warlord of the North rides south to help the Earl of Gloucester with one final push to dislodge the Usurper but fate has a twist in the tail. There is...
D-Day is approaching and the Commandos are needed not only to attack the Atlantic all but to discover what will be waiting for them when they do attack. Based on actual battlefield detail this is a fast moving novel which culminates in the attack on ...
There is a new Warlord and he has to face the threat of an invasion from Northumbria. The world is changing and the loyalties of some of his allies are questioned. When treachery strikes then the men of Rheged are forced to defend their homes with ...
When Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson is killed by Saxons and his wife and son slain it throws the clan on Raven Wing Island into disarray. Internal divisions and strife is only stopped when Siggi White Hair becomes jarl. A raid on Frankia gives Hrolf the Hor...
Jarl Dragonheart's granddaughter has almost come of age and she is becoming a powerful witch. The Skull Taker clan wish to take revenge for the death of their own witch at Snorri's hands and take both Ylva and the land of the wolf from the Dragonhea...
The Vikings on the Cotentin try to live in peace with their neighbours, the Franks, but when they are attacked they have to fight. Aided by fellow Vikings they begin to make inroads into the land of the Franks until disaster strikes and the new alli...
With Paris in Allied hands it seems as though the war is almost over but when the Airborne Brigade fail to capture Arnhem then Tom and his Commandos become part of the force which is sent to capture Antwerp and the islands which guard the mouth of th...
The comfortable world of Jarl Dragonheart is about to be shattered as a ghost from the past leaves Norway to settle a blood feud. The Clan of the Wolf had defeated Saxons and Danes. They had helped to subdue the Hibernians but would they be able to ...
Tom and his men think that, after taking Walcheren and securing Antwerp, they will be due a leave. When three of them are sent to train other soldiers they think that it will be an easy assignment. Their break from war is rudely interrupted when Ado...
The Vikings have discovered the riches of the Cotentin Peninsula and are not going to be moved without a fight. Sailing the seas they raid the Caliphate of Cordoba as well as Wessex and Aquitaine. When the Norns send them new drekar the jarl of the C...
The war might be coming to an end but the missions do not get any easier for Tom Harsker and his elite Commando unit. With new men to replace the dead they are sent to destroy a factory making parts for V-2. As the war enters its final months they ar...
Jarl Dragonheart is aging. His Ulfheonar are getting older too. Is it time for him to sheathe his sword and watch his grandchildren grow? When Klakke Blue Cheek, a Dane with grand ambitions, embroils Jarl Dragonheart in an attempt to take Wessex t...
The novel takes Bill Harsker from the fields of France to other postings in the post war world of 1918. It is the story of the early days of the R.A.F. when Winston Churchill commanded the fledgling air force. Bill is sent to help fight the Bolshevi...
With the King of the Franks fighting a civil war and a Saxon king on the verge of death Hrolf the Horseman embarks on a series of raids and attacks to make his land more secure and to give his son an inheritance. When he raids the Seine, along with ...
The civil war is over. King Henry now rules a vast empire but even as he begins his rule the Scots steal slaves and cattle from the north of England and the Warlord's son, William, recently returned from the Crusades has to rescue them. King Henry an...
When his father is killed at Arsuf protecting King Richard, Thomas is knighted. His hopes of inheriting his family's manor are dashed when Prince John takes power in his brother's absence. With a handful of men Sir Thomas is forced to travel to Swed...
The Dragonheart makes a journey to the top of the highest mountain in his land. He discovers a wolf cub which is close to death. He brings it back to health and it becomes part of his life. He does not know what effect the cub will have save that i...
Wing Commander Bill Harsker is sent by the Air Ministry to the British Protectorate of Iraq. Ordered by the League of Nations to keep the peace, he has just a handful of aeroplanes to control the skies over Mesopotamia. Attacked by rebellious Kurds a...
Hrolf the Horseman had two grandsons. One is cursed. As the boys grow into warrior so the power of the curse grows. Both are warriors and both fight the enemies of the clan. When the brothers clash then the conquest of the Bretons and the defeat o...
With his son, Wolf Killer, now in Valhalla, Dragonheart looks to secure his land. He finds enemies all around him. Wrongly assuming that the land of the Wolf was now weak the King of Strathclyde and Hibernian mercenaries invade. When his borders ar...
When Jarl Dragonheart steals the crown of Queen Osburga of Wessex he sets in motion a train of events which have dire consequences not only for the Land of the Wolf and Wessex but the land of the Danes too. After his great grandson, Sámr, is almost ...
Sir Thomas and his new bride, Lady Margaret, have been forced to leave the Baltic. They cannot go to England and so he heads for Anjou where he hopes to take over the old manor of Sir Leofric. Upon his arrival he finds himself thrown into a world of...
Decurion Marcus Aurelius, the warrior who wields the Sword of Cartimandua arrives home to find his world devastated by losses he cannot comprehend. He is sent north to the land of the Votadini where he becomes embroiled in an insurrection which threa...
When King Henry appoints Thomas Becket as his Archbishop of Canterbury he does not realise the problems he will create for himself. When the priest refuses to allow the King’s brother then tensions escalate. It soon becomes clear that King Louis of...
When Prince Arthur is murdered and the French begin to take Normandy, Sir Thomas finds himself isolated and alone. The Norman barons conspire against King John and the English knight has a dilemma. Does he join the rebels or stay true to his beliefs?...
Blood on the Crown is set in the latter half of the fourteenth century. Will son of Harry is about to join one of the freebooting mercenaries who serve the Black Prince in Gascony and Spain. Soldiers of fortune they fight for pay and for loot. Circ...
The Earl of Cleveland has managed to put himself in King John’s good graces just at the time when other barons decide to rebel. They seek more land and power. The newly appointed Earl is caught in the middle. When the Scots begin to raid once more ...
Jarl Dragonheart has unfinished business. Some of his men are missing in the heart of Wales and he has to punish the Hibernians who killed his daughter and her family in Dyflin. With a handful of Ulfheonar and untried warriors he sets sail to seek th...
The Wolf Brethren had been decimated: wars, disease and old age have take most of them. When a band of Saxon mercenaries are hired by King Oswald and slay Lann Aelle and all of his people it becomes a blood feud between the Warlord and Lang Seax....
With the King of the Franks fighting a civil war and a Saxon king on the verge of death Hrolf the Horseman embarks on a series of raids and attacks to make his land more secure and to give his son an inheritance. When he raids the Seine, along with a...
Will Strongstaff has achieved far more than he ever thought. He is a gentleman. He has land, a wife and children. Yet he is still a warrior. He still has an oath to honour. King Richard is now under the sway of the evil Earl of Oxford Robert de Vere....
When the world in which you live is ruled by a tyrant then there is only one choice; you must sail beyond the edge of the world.Erik and his family are Norse who live on the island of Orkneyjar. Their world is thrown upside down when the King of Norw...
Lord Göngu-Hrólfr Rognvaldson is now Lord of Rouen but his world is still imperfect. He has no son and the prophesy made by the Norns cannot come true. Hrolf the Horseman suggests they visit a witch and they travel to the Land of the Wolf w...
The Duke of Normandy is the next instalment in the Norman Genesis series. Rollo now had Rouen but he has enemies. The Bretons still resent his occupation of the Cotentin. There are other enemies who are hidden from him. As the new Lord of Rouen tries...
Book 19 in the Anarchy Series by Griff Hosker.The Warlord has had a long and eventful life but he is growing old. Fate and King Henry determine that he will not go quietly watching the sun set from his castle. He is sent to cement the marriage betwee...
Rollo Ragnvaldsson has rescued his grandfather, Hrolf the Horseman but he still has a battle back in Norway. He must take his people and find a new home. Battling first Saxons and then Bretons, the young lord establishes a home close to the Land of t...
Book 18 in The Anarchy Series, by Griff Hosker.When King Henry makes the momentous decision to crown his eldest son King, even though he is still a youth, he sets in motion a series of events which will tear his empire apart. The Warlord and his son,...
60 years on from Viking Slave, Dragonheart sets sail once more!The legendary Jarl Dragonheart grows old but the fire still burns within him to make his land and clan secure. Taking his great-grandson, Sámr, to raid the lands of the Caliphate of ...
**PRE-ORDER GRIFF HOSKER'S NEW NOVEL, TARGETS OF TREACHERY, NOW***'Medieval adventure with the pace and power of a war arrow in flight. Griff Hosker has sold over a million books and I can see why!' - Matthew Harffy, bestselling author of the Bernici...
The eagerly awaited sequel to Blood on the Blade.When you live at the edge of the world with a volcano for a neighbour and bloodthirsty warriors who wish to end your existence then a voyage towards the edge of the world is possible.Seeking a new home...
When a King becomes a tyrant then blood will flow and men will die.In this sequel to To Murder a King, we follow the fortunes of a sword for hire who has to tread the difficult path between two rivals for the throne.When the Queen of England die...
The next instalment of the Border Knight series which charts the fortunes of the dynasty begun by Alfraed, the English Knight and 1st Earl of Cleveland. Kings make treaties but it is men who keep or break them. When Sir Thomas of Cleveland is given t...
Kings can make lords but lords like Rollo of Normandy can destroy Kingdoms. When Rollo becomes Robert of Normand and gains control of Normandy, the other rulers think he will revert to his old barbarian ways. They think him old; they think he is weak...
The Dragonheart has sailed many seas, fought many battles and killed countless enemies since he was taken as a Viking slave so long ago. He has built a clan and protected them in the Land of the Wolf and his name is known throughout the Viking world....
Book 4 in the Struggle for a Crown series, by Griff Hosker. King Richard is barely buried when the men who opposed him plot and plan to remove the new King, Henry Bolingbroke! With enemies in the north and the west, the new king and his son, Hen...
Sir Thomas, Hero of Arsuf, rides to war again! When a king asks a baron to go on crusade it is an order not a request and, as such, is not to be ignored. The Earl of Cleveland has done his duty for his King and for the Pope many times over but he an...
Book Three of the New World saga.Desperate times cause for desperate measures and when the Clan of the Fox flees, first Northumberland and then Iceland, the Viking warriors have no idea of the world they will find when they sail across the endless oc...
The legend that was El Cid began more than a thousand years ago and time has meant that reality and fiction are intertwined like the threads of a spider’s web.This is the story of a time when brother fought brother and Christian fought Christian. P...
With the rest of Europe subservient to Emperor Napoleon, he sends his best Marshals to Portugal to rid himself of the annoyance that is Sir Arthur Wellesley. Thanks to an uncooperative parliament, the Viscount has little chance of defeating the Frenc...
***GRIFF HOSKER'S NEW NOVEL, TARGETS OF TREACHERY, IS OUT NOW***'A rollicking historical adventure which flies like an arrow from a bow.' - Giles Kristian'One of the best Griff Hosker books I have ever read.' - Paul J BennettThe sequel to runaway bes...
Book 5 in the Struggle for a Crown series, by Griff Hosker.Henry of Monmouth, Prince Hal, is barely recovered from a near-fatal wound when his father leaves him to retake his land. Owain Glendower and Edmund Mortimer, however, have French allies and ...
When Sir William and his father, Sir Thomas of Stockton, the grandson of the Warlord, return from the crusade, they have to fight a new enemy: The Scots. Now that Queen Joan has died then King Alexander of Scotland is under the influence of the Frenc...
This a collection of four novellas. There is Wolf Killer from the Dragonheart books. He is the son of Dragonheart, and this is the story of revenge as he pursues Danes across ninth-century England. Then there is Wolf who fights at the Battle of Hasti...
The first attempt by the Norse explorers to settle in the New World has ended in disaster. With most of their better warriors dead in a battle with the Penobscot tribe, the survivors decide to head home across the wide and empty seas. They would risk...
The Christian armies of Spain are on the rise and are taking back the land controlled by the Taifa States. All seems well and the star that is Rodrigo de Vivar continues to rise. All of this ends when King Fernando dies, and his heirs begin a self-de...
One marshal has been defeated by Viscount Wellington but more have been sent to drive the British back into the sea and to reconquer Portugal. The defences at Torres Vedras played their part and now the British must see if they can overcome the Frenc...
A hero’s journey begins in an exhilarating new series by Griff Hosker.In 1335 the Black Death was just thirteen years away from England but there were other threats and dangers. Young John Hawkwood is forced to leave his home and seek a life in...
Book 6 in the Struggle for a Crown series. The last time an English King had come to France it had been led by the Black Prince. Now a new King, a throwback to those days contemplated retaking what he believed to be his birth right! King Henry V...
King Henry has need of a sword to help him recover land taken by the Prince of Wales! And he looks to the north and the border knights who have served him so well. Now that Sir Thomas is becoming too old for war, Sir William is chosen to lead the kni...
Sent into exile once more Don Rodrigo de Vivar has just Will Redbeard and two warriors for companions. Over the next years, he creates the legend of El Cid defeating enemy after enemy. Fighting overwhelming odds, he succeeds every time until, at last...
The last story from the Dragonheart family! Sámr Ship Killer has been rescued but that is only half the story for his family has been taken as hostages to Norway. Without any ships, he is helpless to find them and then the sisters begin to spin....
Now recovered from his wound and having had a brief period of rest with his wife Major Matthews, General Wellesley's aide and sometimes spy, is sent back into Spain. The allies have gathered enough men to begin to retake Spain and then begin to attac...
'Griff Hosker has sold over a million books and I can see why!' - Matthew Harffy, bestselling author of the Bernicia Chronicles.The battle of Evesham is over, and Gerald War Bow is now the owner of a manor.But a leader of archers cannot rest for long...
The Black Death! England has won the war with France but the disease which rampages through the land takes both rich and poor, warrior and worker.John Hawkwood and his two companions spend the winter in the north. It is in the spring that he begins t...
Book 7 in the Struggle for a Crown series.King Henry V has defeated the French but he has yet to grasp the crown of France. He returns to finish the job which was begun at Agincourt. At his side is his mentor, Sir William Strongstaff, Knight of the G...
This is a series of Novellas based on characters encountered in my other series of books in the modern era.Spy Catcher is about Colonel Matthews as he operates behind enemy lines and attempts to rescue the Spy Master, Colonel Selkirk.Tank is about th...
Book 11 in the Epic Border Knight series. When men fight together, especially in a holy cause, there is not only a bond but also an unspoken promise to come to the aid of their shield brother. When Birger Persson discovers that he is dying he as...
The next book in the bestselling series, Lord Edward's Archer.'In Gerald War Bow, Hosker has crafted a heroic, humble archer with the heart of a prince' - Brook Allen'Griff Hosker has sold over a million books and I can see why!' - Matthew Harffy, be...
When a young boy and his father, a master gunner, leave their home in Devon they cannot know that piracy will become their life, for a while, at least. Set in the early days of the Spanish conquest of the Americas and with a young King Henry on the t...
With a legend for a grandfather, it is hard to live up to not only men’s expectations but also those of the king. Sir Samuel of Stockton is a great knight but any chance of peace in his life ends when King Henry and his sons begin to squabble a...
Young men who grow without the firm hand of a father can often become wild. James of Ecclestone is one such youth and when he runs away to become a billman fighting the Yorkist pretender, Lambert Simnel, he begins a journey that will shape him from a...
Poitiers was in the past but it changed the life of Sir John Hawkwood for he gained his spurs and that was another step on his journey. Once he realised that he had more ambition than just to serve the King of England he joined forces with Albert Ste...
Book 12 in the Border Knight series. The warlord, his son and even his grandchildren are all dead. Sacrificed by kings who used them. Now King Henry asks the great-grandsons of the Warlord to help his son, The Lord Edward, learn how to rule. Sen...
The battle for France is almost over but the Plantagenets do not know it. They cling to the hope that by throwing more and more men at a lost cause they will regain the land lost. Sir Michael of Weedon knows that is not true and is tired of the waste...
In thirteenth-century Britain, Gerald Warbow, legendary archer to the king, prepares to pass on the torch ... once he's dealt with William Wallace ...Having fought valiantly for Lord - now King - Edward, Gerald Warbow has settled into the life of a c...
Betrayal by friend and foe alike beset Sir John Hawkwood as he enters the murky world of Italian politics. He will emerge from the experience as a true leader of men but first he has to outwit his enemies of which there are many.With Montferrat secur...
Book 3 in the Danelaw Saga.When a weak king rules a rich land then the people suffer. When a power-mad ruler wishes to take that land then there is only one outcome. Sven Saxon Sword is content with his life but King Sweyn Forkbeard wants to use the ...
An enthralling new Griff Hosker Viking series, The Danelaw Saga, begins.This story is set at the end of the tenth century and charts the journey of a young warrior, whose father, Bersi, is killed during a raid on Wessex. Sven Bersisson has to grow up...
The last Viking left in the New World finds fresh challenges when his growing family is forced to leave their home on the Patawomke River to sail north and find a new home amongst tribes who may be hostile. As his clan grows Erik learns to adapt to t...
Soldier of the Queen, Book 1.1877: When his family loses their home, to Jack Roberts, who has grown up hearing stories of the Crimean war and the magnificent charge of the Heavy Brigade, the choice between working in a dangerous factory or enlisting ...
Book 13 in the Border Knight series by Griff Hosker King Henry III rules England but it is an England controlled by barons who wish to usurp his crown. When a new Pope demands unpaid monies owed to him then Sir Henry Samuel is dispatched to Rome...
Gerald Warbow wants nothing more than to enjoy, as his grey hairs grow, to enjoy his life as a landowner, father and grandfather but King Edward 1st needs his master archer and even though the Scots had been defeated at Dunbar, Warbow and his men go ...
When there is gold then there will be those who wish to take it. If the gold is aboard a ship then there will be pirates. Thomas is a former slave who has become a gunner on a Spanish galleon. His life is no less parlous than when he was a slave but ...
Sir John Hawkwood has almost all that he needs. He is the most respected and feared mercenary leader in Italy but he is surrounded by those who would do him and his family harm. He faces betrayal from friend and foe alike. His constants are his compa...
Book 2 in the Soldier of the Queen Series, by Griff Hosker.The British Army at the end of the nineteenth century was not a fair place. Despite the reforms, a bad officer could still ruin men’s lives and Jack Roberts discovers that despite being...
King Æthelredwas the worst King of England but, in his second son, Edmund Ironside, was a king in the mould of King Alfred. Prince Cnut has his own problems for his brother refuses to share the crown of Denmark with him. It is Sven Saxon Sword, ...
Book 14 in the Border Knight series by Griff Hosker. King Henry is not a good king. His son, The Lord Edward, promises strength but the Earl of Leicester, Simon de Montfort seeks the throne and the crown. When civil war erupts there is only one ...
Sir John Hawkwood is not getting any younger but he is now the supreme condottiero, not only in Italy but the whole of Europe. When the two rival popes try to manipulate him he has to use new skills to outwit them. He finds himself facing almost insu...
An only child of Anglo-French descent, young James Bretherton has known a life of privilege; well-educated and mild mannered, his path is filled with promise. But when James suddenly finds himself orphaned and penniless, his future looks decidedly bl...
Book 15 in the epic series, Border Knight. When Sir Henry Samuel's nephew, Sir Matthew, has to go to the crusades with Henry of Almain he does so reluctantly. The crusade that was almost a disaster did not begin well. With an aging king and agin...
'When a man escapes alive, he has a chance to survive.'In the unforgiving docklands of east London, young orphan William must do all he can to survive. Like the other 'wharf rats', his life of petty crime is not a choice; it's a necessity. But Willia...
Book 2 in the English Mercenary series, by Griff Hosker.With ample fortunes garnered as a Sword for Hire and a loving wife now at his side, Captain James Bretherton at last looks to the prospect of leaving the world of war; instead, becoming a man wh...
King William has the crown of the Confessor but he has many enemies both at home and abroad. He has to subdue a land that does not want a Norman yoke upon its shoulders. When Richard fitz Malet is given the manor north of York he finds that it is a p...