"Pure High Octane Space Opera" The Sol System was conquered and humans lived as slaves for 500 long years. Now, after years of brutal warfare, humanity has been liberated. Liberation, however, comes at a cost. And the Sol System has become nothing mo...
A homeland in ashes. A merciless ancient enemy. A vicious new foe. A galaxy convulsing with war. With humanity on the brink of annihilation, only one option remains, Interstellar War. Can Jon Pike achieve victory, and revenge, for himself and h...
A planet surrounded. A homeland in peril. A fleet outgunned. A prophecy to fulfill. With half the galaxy on the brink, can a fledgling alliance offer hope? Or is it doomed to perish in the pyres of war?...
A devastating invasion. A supremely powerful enemy. A journey into the unknown. The future of the galaxy hanging in the balance. The Erinyie have returned, and despair is spreading throughout the galaxy. Admiral Jon Pike and his forces are help...
The Terran Empire, the greatest empire in the history of humanity, is crumbling. Throughout the galaxy, planetary systems seek independence and freedom. Everywhere there is war. Trying to maintain its grip, the Empire has become more ruthless, and re...
How hard would you fight for freedom? A crumbling Empire A struggling fight for freedom A powerful new faction bent on ruling the galaxy Entire star systems laid waste by the ravages of war The Empire may be in its death throes, but it still has plen...
The fight for the galaxy has just begun A crumbling empire. A galactic crusade. Humanity rising to power. Hidden enemies waiting to strike. Eight years have passed since the Builders and the Dark Ones left the galaxy. In that time, Jon Pike ...
The fight for galactic freedom continues An Emperor's Despair An Assassin's Destiny A General's Ambition An Admiral's Resolve The Dvorkans were pushed out of Diakan space, and now their Empire is mired in civil war. But, th...
Victory at all Costs! A treacherous quest, Lethal new enemies, Primordial evil, A galaxy under siege With the end of the Dvorkan Civil War, Jon Pike is eager to return to his main goal, the defeat of the Juttari Empire. Unfortunately, fate h...
A bold new quest, An ancient evil, A shaky alliance, The gift of sight, Jon Pike sets off on a mission to a long-forgotten planet to find an ancient artifact that might help humanity against the waking Maeficus. At the same time, he needs to ta...
Earth has fallen! The brutal Juttari Empire invaded the Sol System, conquering Earth. The starship Invincible managed to escape the onslaught and has spent the last 25 years on the run. An entire generation has grown up knowing nothing more than l...