During the financial devastation of the 1920-'30,a group of German Industrialist assume control of their government by supporting Hitler and his Nazi Party's rise to power. Goals of Nationalism turn in a quest for global Aryan Supremacy, leading a wo...
From June 1963, following the author's graduation from the Harvard Business School, until April 2005, when he sold his Resort Hotel company. Mr. Zuckerman enjoyed the privilege of working for forty-two years as a entrepreneurial problem solving leade...
By 2013, the American economy is sliding under the rising tide of over spending and increasing indebtedness. Five years following the 2008 bursting of the great consumer bubble, the country is dangerously over-leverage and under-employed. Unable to b...
During the financial devastation of the 1920-'30, a group of German Industrialist assume control of their government by supporting Hitler and his Nazi Party's rise to power. Goals of Nationalism turn in a quest for global Aryan Supremacy, leading a w...
In 1946, peak military industrial contracting has been cut by 400 billion dollars. Some of the same industrial organizations responsible for creating a military arsenals capable of supplying six different wars on four separate continents have become ...
A historically accurate work of fiction. This is the first book in the Zuckerman's 2nd trilogy.During the turbulent late 1950s (Eisenhower Era), the New Sentinels are called upon to reveal a hidden plot (Operation Ajax) to topple Iran's Parliamentary...