Chloe is a teenager who lives with her mother and whose father can't be bothered with her. She spends her spare time hanging out and binge drinking with her friends, much to the disgust of Rob Yeaden, a boy from school who fancies her. One particular...
Nick Geddes's life is a mess. His sister's boyfriend was killed in a school stabbing. His grandmother is decending into a world of her own, his mother has a 'god-slot' on local radio, and his father is drinking way too much. But that ...
Mamie has her head screwed on, she's not silly. She certainly wouldn't be foolish enough to meet up with someone she's met on an Internet chatroom -- would she? On The Wire is a gripping new fiction series of modern-day dramas based on family, school...
‘They found the fifth girl right after the snow melted . . . the place where he left her was winter water, crazed with ice-feathers and dusted with snow. The traces from her body were gone, the ones that said his name, but she had an extra skin of ...
A riveting sci-fi adventure with a lesson in the futility of prejudice Braindeads like Conor Smith are scary -- everyone says so. Kids who become telepathic as they hit puberty can't be normal, that's why they need special...
For centuries, Sithe warriors Seth and Conal MacGregor have hunted for the Bloodstone demanded by their Queen. Homesick, and determined to protect their clan, they have also made secret forays across the Veil. One of these illicit crossings has viole...
The secrets of the island will be revealed... When Molly and her little brother Jack visit their rich relatives on Ravenstorm Island, Molly feels immediately on edge. An elderly butler gives them bizarre warnings, eerie statues of children are dott...
A funny joke's a funny joke. Eddie Doolan doesn't think twice about adapting it to fit a tragic local news story and posting it on social media.It's less of a joke when his drunken post goes viral. It stops being funny altogether when Eddie ends up j...
Warning: In the tradition of limericks, this book contains language and humour that some readers may find offensive. Reader discretion is advised.Thin Blue Rhymes is a short collection of rude, cute, naughty and hilarious limericks that have been gen...