Imagine, thirty years after the end of World War II, Israeli Nazi-hunters, some of whom lost relatives in the gas chambers of Nazi Germany, find a silent old man deep in the Amazon jungle. He is Adolph Hitler. The narrative that follows is a profound...
Thirty years after World War II, in the depths of an Amazonian swamp, a crack team of young Israeli Nazi hunters come upon a grizzled and ravaged but alive Adolf Hitler and carry him back to civilization...
From a PEN/Faulkner awardâ€"winning author and acclaimed literary critic, three novellas exploring the psychological impact of WWII on its survivors. A German soldier returns to a French village hoping to assuage his guilt for atrocities committed th...
This collection of short stories includes "Proofs", a literary thriller which explores the conflict between fact and fiction in life and literature. Also included are "Noel, Noel", "Desert Island Disks" and "Conversation Piece"....
Imagine, thirty years after the end of World War II, Israeli Nazi-hunters, some of whom lost relatives in the gas chambers of Nazi Germany, find a silent old man deep in the Amazon jungle. He is Adolph Hitler. The narrative that follows is a profound...
In this remarkable short book, the foremost intellectual of our age brings a lifetime of erudition to bear on a subject that he has grappled with for decades, and whose future is profoundly uncertain.
The Idea of Europe finds George Steiner rec...