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Geoff Johns's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    249 Books (1 Series)
  • First Book:
    April 2002
  • Latest Book:
    December 2025
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Full Series List in Order


1 - Endless Flight (Apr-2003)

Multi-Author Series List

Aquaman (The New 52)

1 - Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench (May-2013)
2 - Aquaman Vol. 2: The Others (May-2013)
3 - Aquaman Vol. 3: Throne of Atlantis (Nov-2013)
4 - Aquaman Vol. 4: Death of a King (Nov-2014)

DC Comics: Aquaman

Aquaman Box Set ()
Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench (May-2013)
Aquaman Vol. 2: The Others (May-2013)
Aquaman Vol. 3: Throne of Atlantis (Nov-2013)
Aquaman Vol. 4: Death of a King (Nov-2014)
Aquaman: A Celebration of 75 Years (Oct-2016)
Aquaman: His Greatest Victories (Nov-2018)
Aquaman by Geoff Johns Omnibus (Dec-2018)

DC Comics: Justice League

JLA: Crisis of Conscience (Jan-2006)
52 Vol. 1 (Jun-2007)
Justice League of America Vol. 2: Lightning Saga (Feb-2009)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 1: Origin (May-2012)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 2 The Villain's Journey (Feb-2013)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 3 Throne of Atlantis (Oct-2013)
Justice League of America Vol. 1: World's Most Dangerous (Nov-2013)
Justice League: Trinity War (Mar-2014)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 4 The Grid (Apr-2014)
Justice League of America's Vibe Vol. 1: Breach (Aug-2014)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 5 Forever Heroes (Sep-2014)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 6: Injustice League (Jul-2015)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 7: Darkseid War Part 1 (Mar-2016)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 8: Darkseid War Part 2 (Dec-2016)
Absolute Justice League: Origin (Oct-2017)
Justice League by Geoff Johns Box Set Vol. 1 (Oct-2017)
Justice League: The Darkseid War Saga Omnibus (Oct-2017)
Justice League: Their Greatest Triumphs (Oct-2017)
Justice League: The Darkseid War (Oct-2018)
Justice League: Unite the League (Dec-2019)
Justice League: Origin Deluxe Edition (Apr-2020)

DC Comics: The New 52

52 Vol. 1 (Jun-2007)
52 Vol. 2 (Jul-2007)
52 Vol. 3 (Sep-2007)
52 Vol. 4 (Jan-2008)
Green Lantern Vol. 1: Sinestro (May-2012)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 1: Origin (May-2012)
Green Lantern Vol. 2: The Revenge of Black Hand (Jan-2013)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 2 The Villain's Journey (Feb-2013)
Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench (May-2013)
Aquaman Vol. 2: The Others (May-2013)
Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army (Sep-2013)
Green Lantern Vol. 3: The End (Oct-2013)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 3 Throne of Atlantis (Oct-2013)
Shazam! Vol. 1 (Oct-2013)
Aquaman Vol. 3: Throne of Atlantis (Nov-2013)
Justice League of America Vol. 1: World's Most Dangerous (Nov-2013)
Justice League: Trinity War (Mar-2014)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 4 The Grid (Apr-2014)
Green Lantern: Wrath of the First Lantern (Aug-2014)
Justice League of America's Vibe Vol. 1: Breach (Aug-2014)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 5 Forever Heroes (Sep-2014)
Aquaman Vol. 4: Death of a King (Nov-2014)
Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 6: Injustice League (Jul-2015)
Superman, Vol. 6: The Men of Tomorrow (Aug-2015)

DC Comics: Rebirth

DC Universe: Rebirth Deluxe Edition (Dec-2016)

DC Comics: Hawkman

JSA: The Return of Hawkman (Nov-2002)
Hawkman: Allies & Enemies (Mar-2004)
Hawkman, Volume 3: Wings of Fury (Jun-2005)
Hawkman Omnibus Vol 01 (Feb-2012)
Hawkman by Geoff Johns Book One (Jun-2017)
Hawkman by Geoff Johns Book Two (Apr-2018)

DC Comics: JSA: Justice Society of America

JSA: The Return of Hawkman (Nov-2002)
Jsa: Fair Play (May-2003)
JSA: All Stars (Jun-2004)
Jsa: Savage Times (Nov-2004)
JSA, Volume 7: Princes of Darkness (Mar-2005)
JSA, Volume 8: Black Reign (Jul-2005)
JSA (Sep-2005)
JSA, Volume 9: Lost (Sep-2005)
Jsa: Black Vengeance (Mar-2006)
JSA, Volume 11: Mixed Signals (Sep-2006)
JSA Presents: Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.: Volume 1 (Jun-2007)
JSA Presents: Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.: Volume 2 (Jan-2008)
Justice Society of America, Volume 2: Thy Kingdom Come (May-2008)
Justice Society of America, Volume 1: The Next Age (Nov-2008)
Justice Society of America, Volume 3: Thy Kingdom Come Part II (Dec-2008)
Justice Society of America, Volume 4: Thy Kingdom Come, Part III (Apr-2009)
Justice Society of America, Volume 5: Black Adam & Isis (Sep-2009)
JSA Omnibus Vol. 1 (May-2014)
JSA Omnibus Vol. 2 (Dec-2014)
JSA Omnibus Vol. 3 (Jul-2015)
JSA by Geoff Johns Book One (Dec-2017)
JSA by Geoff Johns Book Two (Aug-2018)
JSA by Geoff Johns Book Three (Jul-2019)
JSA by Geoff Johns Book Four (Oct-2020)

DC Comics: Blackest Night

Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns (Jul-2009)
Blackest Night: Green Lantern (Jul-2010)
Rise of the Black Lanterns (Jul-2010)
Rage of the Red Lanterns (Aug-2010)
Green Lantern: Agent Orange (Nov-2010)
Blackest Night (Jul-2011)
Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns (Aug-2011)
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps (Aug-2011)
Absolute Blackest Night (Jul-2013)
Blackest Night Saga (Feb-2019)
Blackest Night Omnibus (Jun-2019)

DC Comics: Brightest Day

Brightest Day Vol. 1 (Dec-2010)
Brightest Day Vol. 2 (May-2012)
Green Lantern: Brightest Day (May-2012)
Brightest Day Vol. 3 (Sep-2012)
Brightest Day Omnibus (Aug-2014)

DC Comics: Batman

Batman: Earth One (Jul-2012)
Earth One (Sep-2014)
Batman: Earth One Vol. 2 (May-2015)
Batman vs. Superman: Their Greatest Battles (Dec-2015)
Batman: The Three Jokers (Nov-2020)

DC Comics: Superman

Superman: The Healing Touch (Aug-2005)
Superman: Up, Up, and Away! (Apr-2007)
52 Vol. 2 (Jul-2007)
52 Vol. 3 (Sep-2007)
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Jul-2008)
Superman: Last Son (Jul-2008)
Superman: Escape from Bizarro World (May-2009)
Last Son (Jun-2009)
Superman: New Krypton Vol. 2 (Sep-2009)
Brainiac (Mar-2010)
Superman: New Krypton (Mar-2010)
New Krypton, Volume 2 (Sep-2010)
Superman: Secret Origin (Dec-2011)
Superman: Last Son of Krypton (Jan-2013)
Superman: New Krypton Vol. 1 (Apr-2014)
Superman, Vol. 6: The Men of Tomorrow (Aug-2015)
Batman vs. Superman: Their Greatest Battles (Dec-2015)
Superman: The Men of Tomorrow (Apr-2016)
Superman: Brainiac (Jul-2018)

DC Comics: Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman: Her Greatest Battles (Feb-2017)

DC Comics: Green Lantern

Rebirth (Nov-2005)
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge (Jun-2006)
Green Lantern Volume 2: Revenge of the Green Lanterns (Dec-2006)
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, Volume 1 (Feb-2008)
Green Lantern Volume 1: No Fear (May-2008)
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, Volume 2 (Jul-2008)
Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lantern (Oct-2008)
Green Lantern: Secret Origin (Dec-2008)
Green Lantern Volume 3: Wanted Hal Jordan (Jan-2009)
Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps War, Volume 1 (May-2009)
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns (Jul-2009)
Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth (May-2010)
Green Lantern: Rebirth (Jun-2010)
Blackest Night: Green Lantern (Jul-2010)
Rise of the Black Lanterns (Jul-2010)
Rage of the Red Lanterns (Aug-2010)
Green Lantern: Agent Orange (Nov-2010)
Brightest Day Vol. 1 (Dec-2010)
Blackest Night (Jul-2011)
Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns (Aug-2011)
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps (Aug-2011)
Green Lantern Sinestro Corps War (Sep-2011)
Green Lantern: The Movie Prequels (Oct-2011)
Brightest Day Vol. 2 (May-2012)
Green Lantern Vol. 1: Sinestro (May-2012)
Green Lantern: Brightest Day (May-2012)
Brightest Day Vol. 3 (Sep-2012)
Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns (Sep-2012)
Absolute Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War (Oct-2012)
Green Lantern Vol. 2: The Revenge of Black Hand (Jan-2013)
Absolute Blackest Night (Jul-2013)
Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army (Sep-2013)
Green Lantern Vol. 3: The End (Oct-2013)
Brightest Day Omnibus (Aug-2014)
Green Lantern: Wrath of the First Lantern (Aug-2014)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 1 (Feb-2015)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 2 (Aug-2015)
Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years (Oct-2015)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 3 (Apr-2016)
Blackest Night Saga (Feb-2019)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book One (Mar-2019)
Blackest Night Omnibus (Jun-2019)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book Two (Sep-2019)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book Three (Apr-2020)

DC Comics: Teen Titans

Teen Titans: A Kid's Game (May-2004)
Teen Titans, Volume 2: Family Lost (Nov-2004)
Teen Titans, Volume 4: The Future Is Now (Dec-2005)
Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Insiders (Jan-2006)
Teen Titans, Volume 5: Life & Death (Aug-2006)
Teen Titans, Volume 6: Around the World (Feb-2007)
Teen Titans, Volume 7: Titans East (Sep-2007)
Teen Titans, Volume 8: Titans of Tomorrow (Jul-2008)
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Omnibus (Feb-2013)
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Book One (Apr-2017)
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Book Two (Feb-2018)
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Book Three (May-2019)

DC Comics: The Flash

Blood Will Run (Apr-2002)
Rogues (Feb-2003)
Rebirth (Nov-2005)
The Flash: Rogue War (Jan-2006)
The Flash: Blood Will Run (Feb-2008)
The Flash, Volume 1: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues (Feb-2011)
The Flash Omnibus By Geoff Johns Vol. 1 (May-2011)
The Flash: Rebirth (May-2011)
Flashpoint (Mar-2012)
The Flash Omnibus by Geoff Johns Vol. 2 (Apr-2012)
The Flash Omnibus by Geoff Johns Vol. 3 (Sep-2012)
The Flash, Volume 2: The Road to Flashpoint (Oct-2012)
The Flash By Geoff Johns Book One (Dec-2015)
The Flash by Geoff Johns Book Two (May-2016)
The Flash By Geoff Johns Book Three (Nov-2016)
The Flash by Geoff Johns Book Four (Dec-2017)
Flashpoint Unwrapped (Feb-2018)
The Flash by Geoff Johns Book Five (Jul-2018)
Flash: The Secret of Barry Allen (Aug-2018)
Absolute Flashpoint (Jan-2019)
The Flash by Geoff Johns Book Six (Sep-2019)
Flashpoint Box Set (Nov-2019)
The Flash by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 1 (Dec-2019)

Famous Characters: Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman: Her Greatest Battles (Feb-2017)

Famous Characters: Batman

Batman: Earth One (Jul-2012)
Earth One (Sep-2014)
Batman: Earth One Vol. 2 (May-2015)
Batman vs. Superman: Their Greatest Battles (Dec-2015)
Batman: The Three Jokers (Nov-2020)

Famous Characters: Green Lantern

Rebirth (Nov-2005)
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge (Jun-2006)
Green Lantern Volume 2: Revenge of the Green Lanterns (Dec-2006)
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, Volume 1 (Feb-2008)
Green Lantern Volume 1: No Fear (May-2008)
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, Volume 2 (Jul-2008)
Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lantern (Oct-2008)
Green Lantern: Secret Origin (Dec-2008)
Green Lantern Volume 3: Wanted Hal Jordan (Jan-2009)
Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps War, Volume 1 (May-2009)
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns (Jul-2009)
Absolute Green Lantern: Rebirth (May-2010)
Green Lantern: Rebirth (Jun-2010)
Blackest Night: Green Lantern (Jul-2010)
Rage of the Red Lanterns (Aug-2010)
Green Lantern: Agent Orange (Nov-2010)
Brightest Day Vol. 1 (Dec-2010)
Blackest Night (Jul-2011)
Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns (Aug-2011)
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps (Aug-2011)
Green Lantern Sinestro Corps War (Sep-2011)
Green Lantern: The Movie Prequels (Oct-2011)
Brightest Day Vol. 2 (May-2012)
Green Lantern Vol. 1: Sinestro (May-2012)
Green Lantern: Brightest Day (May-2012)
Brightest Day Vol. 3 (Sep-2012)
Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns (Sep-2012)
Absolute Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War (Oct-2012)
Green Lantern Vol. 2: The Revenge of Black Hand (Jan-2013)
Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army (Sep-2013)
Green Lantern Vol. 3: The End (Oct-2013)
Brightest Day Omnibus (Aug-2014)
Green Lantern: Wrath of the First Lantern (Aug-2014)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 1 (Feb-2015)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 2 (Aug-2015)
Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years (Oct-2015)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 3 (Apr-2016)
Blackest Night Saga (Feb-2019)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book One (Mar-2019)
Blackest Night Omnibus (Jun-2019)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book Two (Sep-2019)
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book Three (Apr-2020)

Famous Characters: Superman

Superman: The Healing Touch (Aug-2005)
Superman: Up, Up, and Away! (Apr-2007)
52 Vol. 3 (Sep-2007)
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Jul-2008)
Superman: Last Son (Jul-2008)
Superman: Escape from Bizarro World (May-2009)
Superman: New Krypton Vol. 2 (Sep-2009)
Superman: New Krypton (Mar-2010)
New Krypton, Volume 2 (Sep-2010)
Superman: Secret Origin (Dec-2011)
Superman: Last Son of Krypton (Jan-2013)
Superman: New Krypton Vol. 1 (Apr-2014)
Superman, Vol. 6: The Men of Tomorrow (Aug-2015)
Batman vs. Superman: Their Greatest Battles (Dec-2015)
Superman: The Men of Tomorrow (Apr-2016)
Superman: Brainiac (Jul-2018)

Famous Characters: Teen Titans

Teen Titans: A Kid's Game (May-2004)
Teen Titans, Volume 2: Family Lost (Nov-2004)
Teen Titans, Volume 4: The Future Is Now (Dec-2005)
Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Insiders (Jan-2006)
Teen Titans, Volume 5: Life & Death (Aug-2006)
Teen Titans, Volume 6: Around the World (Feb-2007)
Teen Titans, Volume 7: Titans East (Sep-2007)
Teen Titans, Volume 8: Titans of Tomorrow (Jul-2008)
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Omnibus (Feb-2013)
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Book One (Apr-2017)
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Book Two (Feb-2018)
Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Book Three (May-2019)

Famous Characters: The Flash

Blood Will Run (Apr-2002)
Rogues (Feb-2003)
Rebirth (Nov-2005)
The Flash: Rogue War (Jan-2006)
The Flash: Blood Will Run (Feb-2008)
The Flash, Volume 1: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues (Feb-2011)
The Flash Omnibus By Geoff Johns Vol. 1 (May-2011)
The Flash: Rebirth (May-2011)
Flashpoint (Mar-2012)
The Flash Omnibus by Geoff Johns Vol. 2 (Apr-2012)
The Flash Omnibus by Geoff Johns Vol. 3 (Sep-2012)
The Flash, Volume 2: The Road to Flashpoint (Oct-2012)
The Flash By Geoff Johns Book One (Dec-2015)
The Flash by Geoff Johns Book Two (May-2016)
The Flash By Geoff Johns Book Three (Nov-2016)
The Flash by Geoff Johns Book Four (Dec-2017)
Flashpoint Unwrapped (Feb-2018)
The Flash by Geoff Johns Book Five (Jul-2018)
Flash: The Secret of Barry Allen (Aug-2018)
Absolute Flashpoint (Jan-2019)
The Flash by Geoff Johns Book Six (Sep-2019)
Flashpoint Box Set (Nov-2019)
The Flash by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 1 (Dec-2019)

Green Lantern (The New 52)

Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army (Sep-2013)
1 - Green Lantern Vol. 1: Sinestro (May-2012)
2 - Green Lantern Vol. 2: The Revenge of Black Hand (Jan-2013)
3 - Green Lantern Vol. 3: The End (Oct-2013)

Justice League of America (The New 52)

1 - Justice League of America Vol. 1: World's Most Dangerous (Nov-2013)

Justice League (The New 52)

Justice League: Trinity War (Mar-2014)
1 - Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 1: Origin (May-2012)
2 - Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 2 The Villain's Journey (Feb-2013)
3 - Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 3 Throne of Atlantis (Oct-2013)
4 - Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 4 The Grid (Apr-2014)
5 - Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 5 Forever Heroes (Sep-2014)
6 - Justice League by Geoff Johns, Vol. 6: Injustice League (Jul-2015)

Marvel's The Avengers

Avengers, Volume 1: World Trust (Mar-2003)
Avengers: Standoff (Apr-2010)
Avengers: The Search for She-Hulk (Jul-2010)
Avengers: World Trust (Sep-2012)
Avengers: The Complete Collection by Geoff Johns - Volume 1 (Jun-2013)
Avengers: The Complete Collection by Geoff Johns - Volume 2 (Sep-2013)

Superman (The New 52)

6 - Superman, Vol. 6: The Men of Tomorrow (Aug-2015)

Book List in Order: 249 titles

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Geoff Johns has published 249 books.

The next book by Geoff Johns, Geiger Volume 2 Deluxe Hardcover, will be published in December 2025.

The first book by Geoff Johns, Blood Will Run, was published in April 2002.

Yes. Geoff Johns has 1 series.