This collection of Trudeau's topical comic strip satirizes some of the major events of the seventies, including the mourning of Elvis, poignantly experienced by Boopsie when she embarks on a bus-ride pilgrimage to Graceland...
Actual events may provide plenty of grist for the cartoon mill, but it takes a mind like Garry Trudeau's to sift through it for the hilarious kernel of truth. From the Bill Clinton-Ken Starr face-off to high-flying Internet start-ups to new ways to p...
“I no longer care what Madonna had for breakfast.”
The irreverent wit of Doonesbury takes on 9/11 and the war years, traveling from Ground Zero to the Middle East. Here are two Doonesbury books"Peace Out, Dawg! and Got War?...
"Hilarious!" -- Jake Tapper, ABC News"Hilarious!" -- Karen Tumulty, TIME"Hilarious!" -- Erin Moriarity, CBS News In March of 2009, Doonesbury's intrepid journalist Roland Burton Hedley, III, opened a Twitter account and began to tweet. A lot. Fo...
No rogue regime ever needed its evildoing professionally reframed more urgently than Greater Berzerkistan, whose president-for-life Trff Bmzklfrpz (pronounced "Ptklm") needs to spin a recent round of ethnic cleansing. Fortunately, the pariah state (a...
An Iraq War vet struggles with a traumatic brain injury in this Doonesbury book that examines the impact of combat of American soldiers.Headbanging Humvee driver SFC Leo Deluca (a.k.a. Toggle) had a love of ear-bleed battle music -- until the sonic d...
Long regarded as THE political touchstone cartoon of its era, Garry Trudeau’s Doonesbury celebrates its fortieth anniversary in this beautifully produced retrospective.On October 26, 1970, the first Doonesbury comic strip appeared, as college j...
The second volume of this retrospective anthology covers the Pulitzer prize-winning cartoon strip from 1980 to 1989.On October 26, 1970, G.B. Trudeau introduced the world to a college jock named B.D. and his inept and geeky roommate, Mike Doones...
Readers and critics were wowed by G. B. Trudeau's epic masterpiece 40: A Doonesbury Retrospective, and they'll rejoice when they see this beautiful follow-up volume. Featuring an innovative format and an all-new collection of strips, Red Rascal's War...
Hot on the heels of his smash 40: A Doonesbury Retrospective, Garry Trudeau is back with an annual collection of this iconic comic strip.Readers and critics were wowed by G. B. Trudeau''s epic masterpiece 40: A Doonesbury Retrospective, and they''ll ...
Mike's summer daydream may be the only place we'll ever hear a thorough mea culpa from Dubya. But while mistakes have been made, lessons have been learned, even in the White House, where the Abramoff scandal inspires an official Ethics Refresher Cour...
In Welcome to the Nerd Farm!: A Doonesbury Book life comes full circle as another Doonesbury Gen Nexer heads for college. With Zipper way-too-deeply embedded at Walden (America's number-one safety school) Alex boldly opts for MIT, the nerdfarm, where...
Created by the team that brought you The Complete Far Side and The Complete Calvin and Hobbes, the massive anthology 40 marks Doonesbury’s40th anniversary by examining in depth the characters that have given the strip such vitality. This first volu...
The third volume of this retrospective anthology covers the Pulitzer prize-winning cartoon strip from 1990 to 1999.On October 26, 1970, G.B. Trudeau introduced the world to a college jock named B.D. and his inept and geeky roommate, Mike Doonesb...
The fourth volume of this retrospective anthology covers the Pulitzer prize-winning cartoon strip from 2000 to 2010.On October 26, 1970, G.B. Trudeau introduced the world to a college jock named B.D. and his inept and geeky roommate, Mike Doones...
After losing his leg—and his trademark helmet—B.D. returns home from Iraq to begin a remarkable journey of healing in this Doonesbury book.On a road outside Fallujah, an RPG blows apart a Humvee and upends the life of a former football st...
This anthology from the acclaimed comic strip delves into the weirdness of America as it enters the twenty-first century, dot com, Dubya, and all.Even challenging George “Dubya” Bush to a “pronunciation bee” can't save Uncle Duke's weird hors...
[Trudeau ranks as] one of the foremost sociopolitical satirists of recent decades." While some in the Doonesbury universe seek office, others serve. Alex and her Seattle co-hordes devote their young, restless, and body-pierced Deaniac energy to ...
As 9-11 shakes the Doonesbury world, many of its denizens are drawn inexorably toward Ground Zero--Mike to attend a memorial service for a former employer; B.D., reactivated for crowd control and celebrity tourism; Marcia Feinbloom to hit on firefigh...
“In a class by itself.” -- Jules Feiffer on DoonesburyThis all-color volume celebrates the marriage of Alex and Toggle, an event which optimistically confirms that life, like Doonesbury, rolls on. Indeed, how remarkable that the strip has so embr...
“I don’t read Doonesbury. He glorifies drugs.” —Former White House Press Secretary Marlin Fitzwater Welcome to the age of pivots. Two centuries after the Founding Fathers signed off on happiness, Zonker Harris and nephe...
The New York Times–bestselling comic strip collection that proves “how Doonesbury predicted Donald Trump’s presidential run twenty-nine years ago” (The Washington Post).He tried to warn us. Ever since the release of the first ...
The sadly needed sequel to YUGE! -- from the cartoonist who’s “practically the court artist of Castle Trump, and no one can beat him” (Boing Boing).From the Pulitzer Prize"winning cartoonist whose acclaimed YUGE!: 30 Years of D...
Trudeau's creation has evolved into a sprawling masterwork. — The New York TimesThe ultimate Doonesbury package celebrating a half-century of G.B. Trudeau's celebrated comic strip. This limited-edition deluxe set includes: A USB flash ...
The continuation of Pulitizer Prize-winning cartoonist G.B. Trudeau's bestselling Trump series, this fourth (and final?) volume chronicles Doonesbury in the time of Trumpism.Though the title doesn't mention him by name, Former Guy looms large...
As Trump returns to the ballot in 2024, this collection of Doonesbury Sunday comics about the former (and possibly future) president will hit just ahead of one of the most significant election cycles in decades. “I want to be a d...