Fourteen-year-old Claire and her mother, Jane, are on their way across the country to visit Claire's grandmother. As they approach the family farm, Claire watches her mother become more and more anxious. Until now, she thought they had an open relati...
In Gayle Friesen's powerful novel, 15-year-old Ben can't make sense of his life. He lives in a house full of women, yet he can't talk to girls. He tries to be a jock, but can't even make the co-ed volleyball team. And ridicule from the guys has drive...
In this novel by Gayle Friesen, normal life for Jes is slipping away. Her mother is getting married again and is totally preoccupied with planning the perfect wedding. And if one fool in love is not enough, Jes's best girlfriend has fallen for a comp...
When the fearless Zoe breaks her arm in a fall, Anna must brave summer camp -- and her debut as a Counselor In Training -- without her best friend. Going it alone is not something Anna is ready for. Cruising along in Zoe's shadow had been comfortable...
At 38, Gloria is a vaguely dissatisfied wife and mother. Compelled to return to the family farm after a long absence, she finds that nothing has changed about the strict Mennonite community she grew up in: not the house she grew up in, her mother’...