Set during the Napoleonic War, The Ross Family Chronicles is filled with explosive action, unparalleled anxiety, tragedy, and mayhem.
A series of unforeseen, catastrophic events forever alters the simple lives of Tom and Maggie Ross, a Highland...
A soaring bedsheet carries a young boy on three incredible adventures in this compelling debut by acclaimed film director Gary Ross. Bartholomew Biddle’s life has always been pretty ordinary, but when a huge wind blows past his window one night...
After enduring a series of unforeseen hardships, Tom and Maggie Ross are thriving in Northern Ireland. But just when it seems like they've left their troubles behind them, a fever plague and a ruinous potato blight shatter the lives they've worked so...
In 1821, after barely surviving a hellish voyage from Ireland on board a "coffin ship," Tom and Maggie Ross are among the remaining half of the emigrants who finally arrive in Saint John, New Brunswick. The rest are at the bottom of the ocean. The qu...