Footloose and broke, the unnamed narrator of Gone Tomorrow hops on a plane without asking questions when his director friend offers him a role in an art film set in Colombia. But from the moment he arrives at the airport in Bogotá, on...
Day of the Locusts meets Bonfire of the Vanities in this searing burlesque about everyone from the east coast literati to Hollywood's superagents, actors, has-beens and wannabes. Gary Indiana takes no prisoners as he sets his "hero," B-magazine write...
Gary Indiana, a "huge satirical talent" (New York Times), brings us a darkly comic novel fueled by the virtuoso con artist Evangeline Slote and her extravagant life of chicanery and petty crime. She thrives on seduction, manipulation, and the hum...
A dark yet compassionate comedy of art aspirations and friendships come to naught.First published in 2003, Gary Indiana’s turn-of-the-millennium novel traces the lives of a loosely connected group of New York artists and the dissolution of their sc...
Don Celestino is old and bitter and afraid, an impossible man. An anarchist who has been in exile from his native Spain for more than twenty years, he lives with his daughter in Paris, but in his mind he is still fighting the Spanish Civil War. He fu...
"Indiana has gloriously revived an obscure Hollywood film of the same name, infused it with eroticism and intrigue - and added Dr. Fu Manchu! The result is a lustrous, laugh-out-loud world of bawd and mayhem; an erudite, charmingly operatic opium ...
In a novel capturing an era that seems at once familiar and grotesque, a New York writer lands in Los Angeles in 1994.
Originally published in 1997, Resentment was the first in Gary Indiana's now-classic trilogy (followed in 1999 by T...
A sardonic and artful reconstruction of the brief life of the party boy who became a media sensation for shooting Gianni Versace.
It was suddenly chic to be “targeted” by Andrew.... It also became chic to claim a deep personal fri...
"This story, if it is one, deserves the closure of a suicide, perhaps even the magisterial finality of what is usually called a novel, but the remnants of that faraway time offer nothing more than a taste of damp ashes, a feeling of indeterminacy, an...