Four old friends confront their darkest secrets in this fantasy steeped in nostalgia, folklore, religion, and the seductive landscape of Southern Italy -- by the Italian Neil Gaiman. “A tale of adventure, mystery, friendship and heart-wrenching b...
Tomb Raider meets The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in brand new series by renowned fantasy author and award-winning Italian artist. Brought together by a clandestine corporation, the world's greatest minds are set a challenge of epic proportions...
A group of the world’s elite minds – the cutting edge – were brought together for a mysterious quest: the Dodecathlon. Only by completing the challenge with they find out what it’s all for. But as they have just discovered, th...
A group of the world’s elite minds – the cutting edge – were brought together for a mysterious quest: the Dodecathlon. The first task saw the death of Jirakee, and the reveal of Hiroshi as a traitor. With questions still unanswered,...
Acclaimed author Francesco Dimitri and award-winning artist Mario Alberti tell a story of extraordinary people who are brought together to uncover a deadly conspiracy that threatens the world...
Scientists, artists, entrepreneurs... they are t...
A bittersweet gothic fantasy of family, friendship, memory, and the uncanny told from the perspective of a blind teenager in Puglia, Southern Italy, set in the same world as The Book of Hidden Things, perfect for readers of Neil Gaiman, Donna Tartt a...
A page-turning literary fantasy filled with terror and wonder, set in a sun-baked Southern Italy, for fans of The Girls by Emma Cline, The Magus by John Fowles and The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai.It’s been labelled a doomsday cult, but the Ba...